Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Letter Of Encouragement For Confirmaiton

The value of media statements and value statements

SB-ek, who according to documents recruited Lech Walesa at a secret communist collaborator Nations legislative services, rose and came to the rescue of the former President. In statement published on the site, "wp.pl" It cleans the Lech Walesa of any suspicion of collaboration.

Such a declaration is, of course, many reasons completely worthless-but, as he rightly headlined his article devoted to Virtual Poland, a media and sensational. Before turning to the analysis of the most interesting aspects of the disclosure and expression of the master Graczyk, I would like to draw attention to the fact that his statement posted on its website Lech Walesa ( source ). Yes-the same Lech Walesa, who, if I remember correctly, he told something about the SB-ckich świstkach and falsification of documents. As you can see by Walesa's secret police falsified documents at a time when they needed them for operational work, and after the Communist zllikwidowaniu service men suddenly turned out to be honest crystal. Interesting logic, right? If further reason in this way, you can easily show that it is the SB led to the collapse of communism, after all it consisted of the said honest people, working-for example, by falsifying documents-to the detriment of the system.

Returning to the merits of the Walesa-counsel claim that the revelations Graczyk comercials deprecate the information contained in the book "SB a Lech Wałęsa" Walesa calls himself simply burning the remaining copies in bookstores. I wonder, why do not call it burning cleansing lustration court order? After all, it is the lustration court found that Edward Graczyk dead and that's based their finding on this issue authors of the book, since it decreases because of that the value of their work is similar to a logical assessment of the verdict of the court- properly assess the achievements court should be much more severe, because in contrast to historians, the court had the opportunity to see if Edward Graczyk alive.

How Graczyk statement, unsupported by any other conditions which are in fact merely a description of memories SB-ka may depreciate based on the work of historical documents, it is impossible to reach, as opposed to documents, testimony can change and invent on the spot, which obviously reduces their objective value. If you take into account the circumstances accompanying the Walesa, the testimony Graczyk appear completely devoid of value.

First, Edward Graczyk does not bear any responsibility for actually what we now pompously declares-not testify under oath, made no explanation before the court, and therefore can say what he pleases. His words are not supported by documents-who draws attention to this? Certainly not the media.

Secondly, we note when Graczyk risen . Not when his testimony would add up during the trial (first-time point could be responsible for their words). Not when the accusations thrown at Walesa was based on vague assumptions and are not widely raised by the media. Graczyk rises (or rather, what is self-imposed, is resurrected ), when co Walesa is supported by strong historical evidence, but about the knowledge of everyone. Rises and entertainment is slowly returning to the closing theme, against theories of young careerists putting the testimony of the person who personally saw everything (Version for the media), against a solid scientific evidence putting the credibility of the former SB-ka (reality).

Are you accidentally do this lace work?

third issue is all the questions about the circumstances of the creation (at least, we know beyond any doubt, for the process of vetting Walesa) document which concluded that Edward Graczyk dead. Who did it? Justice? Position to do so privately? Setting Walesa? Gontarczykiem tudziez Cenckiewicz of living like them in advance? Contributors Walesa? Have you had any of the services? Sam Grace? Why? What is the role itself Graczyk? Is it a standalone Graczyk quarterback or maybe a pawn? If a pawn, then whose? From whom depend on his resurrection lately? Why Grace decided to issue the same-officially, by anyone nieprzymuszany purifier Walesa statement?

Questions of this type can really put a lot of them.

fourth thing, a small but worthy of a separate section, the fact that Edward was an officer Graczyk secret service. Apart from the specific mentality of these people (characterized a reluctance to publicly revealing details of a work, without the express orders of a superior or a tendency to disinformation), we are dealing with all kinds of interpersonal relationships, friendships, relations of dependency, subordinate-supervisor relationships, etc., in addition probably okraszonych subsequent ties, generally speaking , financial. After all, would be naive to say that the Mafia, which was SB in particular and władzuchna PRL in general immediately broke up with a change in the system.

Case Edward Graczyk, on the one hand embarrassment lustration of the courts and the judiciary in general-on the other, a classic example of creating a virtual reality media, show the power of the fourth power. This is spectacular, noisy and completely devoid of substantive value statement is articulated so as to seem more serious than a well-documented scientific work. Some time ago I put the proposition that nobody with a weapon to work against Gontarczyk and Cenckiewicz, instead of crying and hurt, the defenders of Walesa unleashed the substantive arguments, based on historical sources. But clearly those are not there, or is not among the defenders Walesa sufficiently competent historians to find them. In any event, the reactivation Graczykawłaśnie now clearly demonstrates the inability to construct any meaningful defense Walesa and the need to make any movement, in order to prevent becoming embedded in popular consciousness is uncomfortable for the authors of the Third Republic of the truth.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can You Period Make You Faint

Grand Arbiter

Yes, yes, it's about his greatness of Professor Sadurski. Specifically, here's an entry-attacking rascal who dared to criticize the professor that he had considered this to be compatible with its own vision, would operate for the benefit of the collapse of the Polish State. In his text, reprobate stresses also that the person doing so once hung. For treason.

Professor Sadurski vague though clearly stated in its response that the Polish State purposely did not say-and about this place bids farewell to fair terms, starting with arguments and images, sorry for the wording, scam. While the primary school pobrzmiewające zdanka like " In my life I have met no such adversaries as you scamp, and I'm not especially fearful " tudziez reminiscent dialect blockers "Mr. loon is too short handle " can be also attributed to the calm obstinacy, so much to the blogger's statement that he was "too coarse language" is an obvious manifestation of barracks culture. Yes, probably also invading the excess of emotion, but znajmy as combat-where healthy blush, and where the foam at the mouth. The highlight of the

, however, is undoubtedly the said scam. Well, prof. Sadurski deigned to determine rascal as "someone whose vision Polish starts to make me hang " and write "I'm not afraid or suggestions That the 'little men like me' should be hung, as it was done in 'healthier times ' "(emphasis mine-PS). I can easily find out after reading the text rascal, nothing like that has been written-ot, reprobate mentioned how once Dealing with those who show off attitude attributed (rightly or wrongly-is possible topic for discussion), prof. Sadurskiemu. no suggestion that the professor. Sadurski and others like him to hang, it is impossible to discern. memory, and even nostalgic about the older traditions in any case does not necessarily involve incitement for their rehabilitation in the current environment ... Yes, it can-but no such presumption does not give prof. Sadurskiemu twisting people's right to expression and polemizowania crafted with such samples.

attack on the rascal is not the first such professor lick. Sadurski. At one time, as we all probably remember, Kataryna attacked. The widely circulated assumption that the attack could be the result of some, we specify that a healthy instinct nadpobudzenia competition for readers (in other words-for popularity). It is amazing how clear it is this time-nadpobudzenie here became a wastrel (as previously Kataryna) one of the central figures Salonu24, while the good professor simply implies that he did not like it: "It's not about you rascal, but Salon24. If - I do not know who - or Igor Janke administrator decides that Salon prejudging the image will now be heading non-stop call for discussion on the part of someone whose vision Polish starts to make me hang - is, for obvious reasons this can not be my Body. " Some sentences have been quoted earlier as an example of scam-it is difficult to entirely shake off the impression the prof. Sadurski can not get over that one-and a person with whom he disagrees-can affect the shape of the IAA-and in order to discredit the person reaches for, to put it mildly, not very fair method.

course, I'm not going to ask questions here or on the "talon" Salon of the text should hang someone whose vision begins with a discussion of this, to turn the gist of adversaries.

http://crusader.salon24.pl/103797, http://wojciechsadurski.salon24.pl/104975
index.html, index.html
http://crusader.salon24.pl/104567 index.html, index.html
http://crusader.salon24.pl/104522, index.html

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cheats For Pokemon Chaos Black For Vba

When does a politician

dispute between Prime Minister and President (since some time passes more and more clearly in the presentation of the general discontent Prime Minister) so rich in, say, a spectacular situations that seem to be-nothing can surprise or specially ruffle. But today, the Prime Minister tried, as reported by Virtual Poland ( here), when the outgoing president of the minister Rostowskiemu Tusk asked to notify him when discussing political topics again, met reprisal from incised, "ask yourself is that you can."

hard to say whether the Prime Minister is the way to creating the image, yes, it is possible-perhaps the Prime Minister decided to show that it is not only gorgeous, but also tough-and found that the easiest way to demonstrate this feature using the rudeness. If so-I fear that PR people the Prime Minister had committed a minor bug.

Much more, however, it is likely that Tusk, derived from the balance of stubbornness of President (Prime Minister of betraying signs of nervousness for some time, after all, reaching for the preschool class measures to impede living Head of State) just chlapnął this issue in the so-called. "Heart", giving a get carried away. There

dopatrujący observers of the political scene in the activities of politicians motives arising from their characters. Of course, these observers are right only sporadically-politics are not jumping, in which the psychological element is important. Nowadays, politics is carefully directed a performance in which there is no room for unplanned show emotions or willingness to undergo tudziez intuition. Created for use by the public "psychological profiles" politicians are only a creation of serving a specific purpose.

course, there are situations when these observers are right above. Some people politicians are not able to implement the assumed scenario, "go to the element." The problem is that in this situation soon cease to be politicians, or at least land on the political margins and do not try on, Janusz Korwin-Mikke.

possible that if the Prime Minister we are dealing with the beginning of just such a scenario *.


It is likely the more that is present in Brussels is not only a potential candidate in the election Tusk in 2010. Among the disputes on the line Prime Minister-president strangely die ** Radoslaw Sikorski-and this is what a person is at the moment for the prime minister's most difficult.

** By the way, quite an interesting possibility-provoking fights Tusk by the environment, to divert attention from Foreign Minister ... Risky game, but not meaningless (at least to the time when-because of the disrepute in Tusk-staying in the shade will be beneficial to Sikorski).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rasta Inspired Nail Design

Max Planck Society-the center of hatred and backwardness?

yesterday I made a note about the prof. Wolszczan, ending with the question of, in general, linking science and ethics. During an ongoing discussion lately about a possible Nobel Wolszczan (lucky prize was studying physics, elementary particles) is quite explicit zaznaczało a position completely separating these areas-roughly speaking, "what that sk ..., it's important that capable." Of course, a person claiming to be Nobel Prize for Wolszczan would be disadvantageous from the point of view, decent, honest man and machine counted among the zawistników, people "do not understand that the world is not just black and white" itd.itd. Insults used by opponents of lustration are widely known.

Some people, unfortunately, are not able to understand that there are people criticizing certain behavior not because of personal feelings, but out of respect for basic ethical principles, that is how I shall be accused of hatred or jealousy and the desire dokopania "better than myself ". As reported

portal Dziennik.pl ( source ) appeared just a chance to explain things using simple, clear example. Here's Max Planck Society spokeswoman said that Professor Wolszczan is no longer welcome as an employee of the Max Planck Institute in Bonn ( " We know that the professor. Wolszczan collaborated with the communist services when he was an employee of our institute. It is not with us no longer welcome ). Quite important is the formulation of " Employment person with such a past would be inconsistent with the ethical principles of our institutions."

Oh, ethical principles do not allow for the employment of an outstanding scientist just because he was a snitch. Envy? Underdevelopment? Black and white vision of the world? Desire settlements? Martyrdom of solidarity? Limited look?

Or just the usual gray, absolutely niemedialna, devoid of impact forces decency?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cubefield Older Version

What did Nobel? Style

Norwegian peace activist F. Heffermehl looked at in a recently published book, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for their compliance with the criteria put by the founder. Heffermehl said that while before 1945 they met the criteria of 85% winners, then in the postwar era-only 45%. Without going deeper into the same analysis, we draw attention to the indicated its trend and see a certain analogy with our local "Nobel Prize" backyard. In short-compare our pre-and post-war winners.

Those first-Curie, Sienkiewicz and Reymont-are considered as those gloriously enshrined in our story. post-war winners and, of course, is not depriving them of merit, without exception, people wake of controversy, which may not necessarily boast crystal biography. Czeslaw Milosz, just after the war wysługujący the Communists, after breaking up with the leash criticizing artists who were doing more or less the same as he. Wislawa Szymborska, the Soviet Stalinism delighted robber and giving expression to the involved rows. Finally, Lech Walesa, the man, say, a moderate size, whose history with a malicious chuckle the next largest set of Poles. Yes, as Milosz and Szymborska Walesa and probably met the criteria required to win the Nobel ... However, in comparison with the Curie-Sklodowska, Sienkiewicz and Reymont fall, what are talking, bladziutko.

same thing has happened with our prospective awarded Nobel Prize, Professor Wolszczan. His scientific achievements zapewne wystarczają do przyznania mu tej prestiżowej nagrody- jakkolwiek, gdyby nie był donosicielem, raczej nie osiągnąłby tego, co udało mu się dzięki współpracy z systemem totalitarnym. Ewentualna nagroda nie ustawi go wśród powszechnie szanowanych, kryształowych Postaci, podobnie jak nie zaliczyła do nich Miłosza, Wałęsy czy Szymborskiej. Podobnie jak te trzy osoby, Wolszczan stanie się co najwyżej głównym bohaterem sporów, przez jednych wysławiany, przez drugich bezwzględnie krytykowany; obawy więc, że ewentualna nagroda dla Wolszczana będzie potężną bronią w rękach przeciwników lustracji, są probably exaggerated. However, it ask ourselves another question-whether the spirit of Alfred Nobel, establishing awards for scientific achievements, was to support the development of science-or perhaps to encourage the making discoveries at any cost, regardless of the other man, elemental decency, or any rules? This year's verdict of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, will undoubtedly be helpful in answering.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Progress Toward A Cure For Herpes


you You thought that the propaganda has died at the end of communist regime? You thought, perhaps, that if not dead, it became more sophisticated, seeking to rely on even the tiniest of the actual basis? That thoughtless, even Chamsk propaganda seeking as much as any contact with reality, and assuming that its customers are completely incapable of any thought to the past?

I hope not, because the paste less dramatic example of just such a typically PRLowskiego style. I apologize in advance zapogwałcenie aesthetics in this way, calling the physiological reflexes tudziez other natural, in that case the reactions.

's "Overview" posted article begins like this:

fact that prosecutors closed the proceedings to urge 14-year-old girl to perform an abortion, there could be no surprise. Questionable and the simultaneous cancellation of the second thread of conduct - that is, a case of unlawful forced the girl to ensure that pregnancy does not remove, and to the prevention of an operation. And rightly so 14-year-old mother lodged a complaint against that decision to the prosecution. Guilty of harassment of her daughter probably should not so easily escape justice.

I emphasize, if it is not clear to everyone-I do not intend here to discuss the merits or lack of justification in this case abortion and abortion in general. My note is devoted to this subject. I just want to draw attention to the blatantly crude, thoughtless and even the style quote the whole article. This text can not be called polemical voice, and counted although the wider journalism. This is a statement about the nature of dogma, including the courts ready, digested to the extent that any of them thought that a discussion is impossible. One can only agree with them or not.

Few readers know "Review", so I do not know whether such remarks are commonplace their spiritual nourishment. I hope not, though there are indications that widespread in our society, completely thoughtless approach to reality-that perfectly harmonizes with such texts-is not accidental. Using a recently coined the term "lemingoza" it can be concluded that the article is food for lemmings, who is also the substance deepening illness.

made a last note about the bad habits they have introduced to the public debate surrounding environment "GW." Habits that are killing the debate; incriminatory article is no longer a visible sign of decay. It is not intended to persuasion, polemics-is simply a statement of thinking about something.

While differences of opinion (for any subjects) is something in every public space is necessary, it is for such texts as published in "Review" article on Agata / Jowicie in civilized public space is not any room. Many people-especially professed political sympathies close to that which would have an overview of the regrets that are missing in our society. It is impossible not to ask, therefore, a question- arise as to the "civil society" - the society of people aware of their choices, reflecting on the world around them and on the basis of their reflection on the involvement of decision makers and the type of involvement in public life?

If the term "self-reflection" is thought to mean cooked by any bodies and sold afterwards for a few pounds at a kiosk for people who inherit it to the property is through the act of sale / purchase, unfortunately-you need to realize that this is iżnie the same "self-reflection" by which As in the definition of "civil society".

The communist way of thinking was the desired collective approval for the government. Articles such as the one cited above were then precisely what the rulers need to control people.

Why such a tool is used now?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How To Fake School Community Hours

boat apologizes for Niesiolowski

Image made and mostly invented the Spitfire , mine is just a slogan, "apologizes for Niesiolowski boat."

1st Stage Of Genital Warts

June / July's reflections

There onerous category of things that are present in some areas of life there, without interruption, so that at the end of their hardship ceases to be noticed, clearly giving itself felt on the occasion of "exacerbations". In public the name of those things you normally zapracowują certain individuals or groups of people, usually by continuous violations of civilized standards. The objectives of such action may be different, of course, some people go beyond good manners to shock you, others to launch his new-presented by their standards ... In still other cases, choose less rational motives-and that aversion to any idea or particular persons, and this complex, and This belief in his own infallibility and the infallibility remaining legitimate than the applicable rules. There could be many, moreover, they may occur together in the various configurations.

Recently we have had quite an active part of one of these groups. This group uses every day in the debate (the word "debate" I use very exaggerated-it is rather a monologue) niepolemicznych, erystycznych methods calculated to discredit opponents by their removal from the balance or disgraceful slander of the links or low (sometimes purely physiological) motives (Known as "throwing mud" - always something sticks.) For a group that counts above all people of ideological opponents, in-depth analysis of their motives and interests are on the agenda, but presented their arguments are skipped over in silence (even logic-why listen to people who are different from the only fair sentence?) . Arsenal of methods used is wide, but quite often repeat some of which are peculiar to this group of adversaries-even depreciated due to his young age, and argue that they are frivolous, more-taunt for example, "lust for power" czy sugerowanie, iż komuś się wysługują, realizują coś przeciwnego do tego, co oficjalnie głoszą. Dość często wśród przedstawicieli opisywanego towarzystwa powtarza się też podpieranie formalną fachowością i nadużywanie niezwiązanych z meritum umiejętności zawodowych. Istotną rolę pełni też opieranie się na "autorytetach" ("kogo to ja nie znam"- dość charakterystyczne zwłaszcza dla mniej oficjalnych wypowiedzi), skutkujące ich rozpaczliwą obroną przed jakimikolwiek atakami. Obroną oczywiście wpisującą się w schemat, czyli opartą na oskarżaniu osób autorytety kwestionujących with envy, the desire to gain easy applause, or an excess of ambition (that of smallness and niewychowaniu not remember). On the agenda are completely detached from reality, innuendo, or characteristic of recent times especially for the approach of denying people due to their liking whether it's cultural or media ("It's primitive and Ciemnogród ... you know what he listens to [name of rain here, mostly one of the radio stations] and what to expect after that? ").

Due to the fact that many already on the subject I was told about, a lot of adrenaline were used for the liberation of turbulent emotions necessary to no less violent fights-and thus another entry no special opportunity to become a breakthrough or even a contribution to the discussion-I was going to not use specific names and surnames. I decided, however, that this description allows for error-free identification of that group, so read it would be silent if just art for art's sake. Of course, so far as the environment. "Living room", a company of followers of Adam Michnik and determined by the secular saints. List the major transgressions of this environment I decided that rather than another time for two reasons. First, we had recently to deal with that at the beginning of "tightening", in fact quite powerful-the occasion of the first edition of a book by Walesa, then the depth Geremek's death. Second, immunization is a violation of the cultural environment is increasing steadily, although it loses the same environment, the impact-this is a sad thing, because it shows that antykulturowy goal has been achieved and the style of "GW" przesiąkła vast majority of us, probably even those who are medium and its annexes tudziez representation fight. Nothing in this surprisingly well-these methods are used by "living" actually still (only changes the intensity), and they are extremely effective, it is during the fight Cultural Learnings tempted to use them ...

Though out of respect for the cultural achievements of our civilization, now systematically dismiss, but you must discard them. Soon anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw-it is worth noting the difference between civilization and the wild red hordes.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Permethrin 45 Scabies

Prime Health is a practical agenda

Zbychu, slightly staggered, entered the hall. He took out a bottle of fioletowiejącą encouragingly.

-With a new store-praised-be assessed.

bounced unique plastic cap ...

zdrowie premiera

And the media picked up ...

Any Gay Saunas In Utah?

historian Waldemar

Leader of the Polish Peasant Party (ex-United Peasant Party, the Communist Polish United Workers Party appetizer, our party has retained its structural continuity, property and personal ZSL) Waldemar Pawlak came to the conclusion that the reproaches Party activists that employ their lucrative positions relatives is comparable to the cleansing beaters in the Communist Party in 1968. then removed from the party (and country) people of Jewish origin, or suspected of such an origin. Waldemar Pawlak, as a direct heir to the Communists, no doubt knows what he is saying, after all, PRLowskie practice at least should know the stories of older colleagues party so to speak "from within." Does not look like, speaking Pawlak, sheds new light on the events 68 years. So far, we knew that ate the two factions, then the only correct party. Eaten up so mightily that the division, despite the attempts of the agreement (LiD) is visible to this day (break LiD). Look like you see on professional speech, it is very superficial. Pawlak words reveal the true origins ponadczterdziestoletniego konflliktu; as easily conclude, in fact, went a-right Jews, everyone knows that a true communist-greed and the promotion of their own. Just 68 years of real communists on the disguised wpienili bourgeois using a common good to provide positions and honors his kinsmen, with particular emphasis on children's own and friendly. Thanks Pawlak was filled with another white card in our difficult history. It is worth emphasizing the heroism of Deputy Prime Minister-after all, this is true can trigger strong opposition among the representatives of the Chosen People, the charge inclusive of anti-Semitism. Waldemar Pawlak, is a true, uncompromising ideowcem. Not do not mention that on the occasion of the minister in the government known for its excellent matching associates (as such Pawlak further confirms), Donald Tusk.

Three "Hurrah!" in honor of our government and his deputy!

With propawlakowym greetings!
Dragon Slayer, a junior interpreter

PS. Obviously Deputy rozwodząc over the misfortunes affecting his party, makes a very thick stems you see abuse-roots PSL PSL mikołajczykowskiego, smashed by the communists after the war. As you know, the red time tużpowojennych authorities tried desperately to legitimize his usurpation pacyfikując and pretending to be legitimate political parties. Oh, the best example is the connection (after fill dyspozycyjnymi against activists red) PPS to PPR. Destruction of the PSL and the appointment of ZSL is a matter of the same shelf, red populists, probably using his komuszej "logic", wrongly derived from it to its legal, nietotalitarną genesis. You might as well kill a man, after some time to adopt his name and for this man to serve.

This time I greet a serious blogger-antyrządowo
further category sometimes called Dragon Slayer Mars

Monday, July 28, 2008

Unavailable Unavailable Call

Tenth anniversary of the death of Herbert

greatest poet of recent times. Unfortunately, he could not rip up with trends, did not meet the current fashions, and so were never owed the glory ... But Herbert is not underestimated the lack of any awards the Nobel Prize-at least-to lose those distinctions that was not the winner.
distancing other artists so much that it is difficult to say of any comparisons.

do not think we lived in a foreseeable future artist similar format. Zbigniew Herbert was the last great poet and the last great philosopher.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chanel Eyewear Austin

Supplement to boycott

Not, I must admit, I want to comment on the boycott PiSowski TVN and TVN 24. TVNu not watch at all, TVN24-occasionally. I'm esthete, so the way information through this station hurting me, thick and humor presented in one of the TVNowskich programs have at most a smile of pity ... Although it may the "fat humor," maybe a little TVNu exaggerated. For example, station spokesman, Charles Smoląg, show off a refined sense of humor today, claiming that " station with anxiety and sadness took that information. It shows that one of the largest political parties in Poland does not understand the role and the principles which guided free media . " Until the pressure is on the lips of a question-since when is a free media are created by the collaborators of the security of a totalitarian state, using the capital for which the origin of fear to write, if you do not have the disposal of large cash to hire a battalion of lawyers?

Most commentators agree that a boycott of the Law and Justice will bring more harm than good. Perhaps. At the outset that the opinions in this vein should be considered only if they are not written by journalists (or more generally-employed persons in the media); discouraging journalists to boycott the media, of course, speak in their own interest, their voices lost so much .. . Especially when you consider that Jaroslaw Kaczynski said that TVN journalists join the gutter, and because of that Law and Justice does not intend to to contact the station. What the media in Poland have long called scurrilous and hold the pavement, who it seems, and what other titles for this publisher are-these associations will leave readers. For convenience, you can look at this issue arising in the S24 notes ... Speaking critically of the boycott of the journalists know that their medium can be boycotted, well then be able to count on a grateful relief.

In the assessment of losses and gains to be had PiSowi boycott TVN24 well to consider one thing. Well, all critics of the move point out that Wejchert stations and Walter is a center of political life, etc. opiniotwórczość. Agreed. TVN 24 is a powerful transmitter of information, the creation of PR, political fashion show-but also a place where speaking out must adjust to the specific pattern, such as assuming domination of the person handling the program on the invited guests. Unless the parties of the mainstream and SLD-Platform fits this situation (again that they are favorable to the operator, two-way expression of these parties is complementary to the form used by the TV) so much Law and Justice necessarily. It's not even leading the unfriendliness (Although it is not irrelevant). To see where the dog is buried, just pay attention to the line, which since its inception realizes PiS. The party was cut off from mainstream politics, known as the Third Republic, and tries (more or less successfully) to be perceived as being different from the rest of the political scene. Appearances in TVN and require at least temporary-to-back mainstream of the Third Republic, namely the adoption of forms used in the mainstream of political struggle. In other words-PiS, criticizing the principles of the Third Republic, while using those grown in media rules remains in a conflict, the pulling is justified only to showcase his vision to a wider audience. In a situation where the level of, shall we say broadly-cultural station dramatically decreases, the losses caused by rotten compromise outweigh gains from the show on the air and boycotts may not be such a bad choice again.

To illustrate (this is already on the margin) of the above situation you can imagine for example, Marek Jurek has granted an interview, "No". Prominence of brick, but I dare to doubt whether the profit would be a political policy of staggering, the odwórt, Grzegorz Napieralski undoubtedly arouse very strong interest in performing at Radio Maryja, but I do not know if the electorate would be delighted takimwystępem. This is obviously more extreme examples, but similar type.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Braums Fruit And Yogurt Nutrition Information

The importance of the historical policy

Swiss TV has prepared a report on the "expulsion" of Germans after World War II. One of the heroes of reportage-grandson "expellee" German-confronted this issue in a program devoted to the Polish envoy David Jackiewicz. Due to confront Mr Jackiewicz learned that " for starting World War II and the murder of the Jews are responsible Poles. They should apologize for the expulsion of Germans from Lower Silesia, and the losses incurred as a result of Nazi aggression, the Communist propaganda " and that is a" nationalist Polish " (I quote from article on the portal Dziennik.pl .) Obviously, the MP requested the intervention of the Polish Foreign Ministry, the further course of the case (I hope) is obvious.

interesting is another thing. It is clear from the above quoted prosecution has not made a model "average European", which-as repeatedly demonstrated- history is neither interested nor takes, so of course it does not know. Grandson accused "expellee", a person interested in the implementation based on historical or what arguments or claims. Ergo: a man who should be the story, or at least the portion of which relates to his ancestor, know well. As is clear from his speech, or it is not, or we deal with provocation. Another possibility to deal with I will not because the conditions for its rationale is weak (in the conspiracy-theoretical history as I believe more or less what the text published in the "GW").

remains the possibility of first-person interested in the subject completely versed in the facts. This may be due, for example, the absorption of history as a neo-Nazi-much, however, is more likely that the German "expellees" and institutions representing them deliberately to mislead the people to fight for the lost as a result of German property, so as to further "motivate" them to act. It's hard to say whether the heads of various compounds themselves "displaced" in a version of faith, it is rather unlikely. In any event, the fact that they believe in it themselves "expelled" or descendants oh, they certainly are on hand.

with our Polish point of view, it is important above all one thing. We have to give up the belief that thinking about the second war we think of the same-or at least approximately the same-as "driven." As you can see, their opinion about those times may be dramatically different from the facts. not about the same rationale "expulsions" - it could be a matter of discussion-it comes to looking at events that the "expulsion" has led, there is nothing to surprise the Germans, that demand the restitution of property, since in their (false-and the correction in this space should focus) allegedly caused the war, Poles, do not suffer losses in its time and even murdered millions of Jews. Talk about the expulsions, which we will convince the Germans that "such were the provisions of international agreements," or use any arguments built on historical facts unknown to the Germans does not make sense. Germany must first learn how it really was, it will be possible until later a discussion of the consequences of what it was.

Indispensability historical policy-and on a European scale-no longer subject to discussion. Historical policy has already gone from the realm of ideas, investing primarily in the financial, economic. Abandoning its implementation in the near future could result in damages, which Poland will be forced to pay for the call to war and destruction in its course Berlin or Dresden.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Implantation Cramps In Leg?

interest (abortion) must be spinning

A certain Alice Thousand, better known for selling for money, her own child, wywęszyła new business. Najobrotniejsza of Polish women intend this time to earn Gancarczyku priest who allegedly violated her personal rights. How itself admits, depends mainly on its profits, so it seems reasonable to define its term businesswoman.

As an aside-I'm curious as to the values \u200b\u200bof personal and their violation can know a person who has publicly demanded compensation for the fact that it has failed to kill their own, several years already, baby? Probably not much, but after pecunia non Olet ...

Fr. Gancarczyk, editor "will be on Sunday," , in a series of articles devoted to the defense of life opposed to killing children, citing the example of Alice thousand. "Guest Sunday" abortion determined without the use of euphemism as a homicide, the indictment will therefore probably constructed to argue that such a term abortion offends the woman performing an abortion. Ergo: a significant, if not the main objective of the process may determine that the prohibition of abortion (adequate but just this issue is of less importance) as homicide or murder. If it is, in fact, we can talk about the slow cessation of fascist hiding his face pro-abortion movement.

One of our major media, moreover, gave the material concerning the case wherein the title "The process to be" frustrated assassin ", which, taking into account the line represented by this medium (resp. a very specific approach to freedom of speech and thought) quite clearly shows that such a course of action would be Prosecution. The title above is a coarse manipulation, suggesting that, in "Our Sunday Visitor," uses the expression "frustrated murderess," while the thing was not such a place.

These (Without mentioning names, something I've done lately brzydliwy) title medium term, therefore, inferred from the reasoning: "define abortion as murder / murder, and so define women who undergo abortions as their children's killers / morderczyń, therefore define women who wanted to give their children an abortion, but for some reason they did not succeed as would-be killers / morderczyń, so since the latter group should be Alice Thousand, is a memory of its people in "show on Sunday" justifies suggestion that "Guest Sunday" used that define literally. But it is quite a significant difference between the literal expression, and saying the same thing in a way sort of veiled (the wording "the minister is stupid," sounds much more sharply than the meaning in a certain situation, otherwise known exactly the same "cost report, the Minister has repeatedly exceeded the amount of fraud, of which this report treat, right?).

When I wrote the above text, overtook me one more reflection.'s leftists calling for the extension the right to kill people, children, on the other hand someone sued rascal for the fact that this called for legalization of shooting lefties (advocated legalization, not shooting against the existing law-a fundamental difference.) Interesting, huh? The more that loon calling for legalization of punishment (quite crude, must admit) for something (specifically-for attacks on other people's property and life), while calling for the legalization of abortionists to kill innocents for its very existence.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Does Milk Allergy Cause Psoriasis

thoughtlessness and post-communist mentality, which is Hołdys and Pinior

would seem that the case described by pp. Cenckiewicz and Gonatrczyka past Lech Walesa, should gradually move from the zone of interests of politicians and the media for historians and law enforcement. Perhaps this trend is more clearly outline the time, but for now the aftermath of cooperation with the SB Wałęsa inspires another form of public scenes, which even outdo each other in the procreation of stupid ideas.

IPNowskiej to the publication (or rather its echoes), I get inspired by Spitfire, who sent in my speech today Holdys for TVN24 *. I return with mixed emotions, because when I took over a year ago for a workshop bezrefleksyjność and herd behavior, which were presented a musician, has caused an explosion of sorts, for the most negative emotions. However, I hope that the passage of time-to-person assessment Holdys little ochłodła and przetrzeźwiała, and the current note did not raise such nerves already.

Zbigniew Hołdys has repeatedly demonstrated that, as he could talk about life, so completely unable to talk about public life. Today's statement is not the exception in this respect. A former artist proves that he can not really distinguish between the judicial process since the publication of historical material from the commentary ("Can not convict someone, knowing that there was a chance that it was not 'or' And we are here we do not have any documents, evidence, signed by Walesa, we esbeków statements, we have no claims people ... "). In addition, articulates quite controversial idea that SB-months were not human, but it is not rather a manifestation of extreme anti-communism, because in the next sentence indicates Hołdys reliable authorities (" What if, for example, directory of party documents was scrap in which Kiszczak complained Jaruzelski - "Damn, that Walesa kaperujemy for 20 years and did not give ? "). I always thought that the ratio of Zbigniew Holdys to these two gentlemen were, say, critical ... but life is sometimes surprising.

Moments later, were more interesting musician has developed a definition of reliability (Reliability Wie is ... The Lord is the true knowledge of all facts, all . ") which in the context of the previously spoken words (" because you know, on the basis of karty pracy pana w TVN-ie można ocenić co pan zrobił w TVN-ie, ale pan gdzieś był, pan funkcjonował w życiu, w szkole, w różnych miejscach. Zajrzeć tylko tu i na tej podstawie zbudować opinię oczywiście można, że pan jest wspaniałym dziennikarzem, solidnym, punktualnym i tak dalej, na tym się właściwie kończy opinia pana wedle pracodawców z TVN-u, ale co się dzieje z opiniami innymi, z dogłębną analizą wszelkiej dokumentacji ") prowadzi wprost do wniosku, że aby napisać cokolwiek o kimkolwiek, trzeba przeprowadzić dogłębną analizę jego życiorysu. Trochę obawiam się, co by było, theories were picked Holdys Ćwiąkalski and implemented procedures for criminal ... in any event, the infants could be further from poverty effectively judge.

Next Hołdys substantiate that are alien to him to liability issues, and even with the logic goes niesporo ( Well, well, let someone prove that Walesa has stolen them. I am willing to believe it when I see proof, but we can not speak that he definitely stole it, well, for who? "You know, and if Lech Kaczynski, and Jaroslaw being there in the office gwizdnęli these documents, so what?" This is the same evidence and that he did Walesa "). The simple fact that the documents correspond to the person who wished to rent them yet somehow missed the consciousness of a former artist.

Holdys, I must admit, even I feel sorry for. If by any means not clung to the presence in public life, you probably would not have to splurge on indolence, and, above all, conformism. pity.

communicated to me by Spitfire material I have read and I looked, what else on the web rings on Lech Walesa. If even got into my head that the occurrence of Holdys is the summit of the grotesque, it quickly admitted that it did not. Joseph's

Pinior of SdPL (former dissident, now post-communist activist) has announced the creation of the committee ** "Solidarity with Lech Walesa," and announced that the former president is niedyskutowalną and inviolable institution. True, what a pretty flower? And even smelling-what is true Stalinism, but still. I wonder if the word Pinior not born under the influence of something stronger, but looking at previous performance of this policy, I conclude that either Mr. MEP is sober, or the liver suffer from chronic anguish. In any case, I admit that I have not I had to comment on this odjechanej (probably the best description ...) statements. Pal-committee of the devil himself various committees for anything they can find in Poland we have bunches, but the term "integrity" and "niedyskutowalność" used in relation to a person whose role should be discussed clearly (at least because of the behavior in the early 90s and nerve moves last), and probably prosecution (monkey business documents) nicely characterized mentality postkomunistyczno-lewoliberalnych environments. The mentality of inefficiency, in fact, to divide the world into 'good' and 'bad' and niedopuszczaniu any reflection on the issues uncomfortable.

finally comfortable mindlessly repeating phrases, right?


* TVN24 interview with Jaroslaw Kuzniar today (06.VII) at 10:20
** http://www.tvn24.pl/-1, 1556298, wiadomosc.html

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cost To Move Sprinkler Heads

Student manifestation of primitivism Bishop

" Iranian Society "from Berlin, the organization-Iranian branch of the" People's Mojahedin " in Paris organizes a protest against the" breaking human rights in Iran. "He says very little about the protest, in fact only that Muslims and learned to use the bat so-called" human rights "* to fight for their goals. There is, moreover, the same subject-at least from the perspective of the Poles-the most important; as long as Muslims are primarily a problem of the French and Germans. With our Polish perspective is more important part in the demonstration mudżahedińskiej Poles. Strictly speaking-Polish students. most closely-themes which our students (future "elite nation" ... laughter sweeps ) direct.

Well Polish students tempted at a very cheap (at least 20 zł), a three-day trip to Paris. In exchange for the opportunity to visit the French capital must only take part in a Muslim protest. Is a manifestation of organizing a terrorist organization (more likely) or only at the terrorists created, is less important. It is important to something else-is what guided interviewed by journalists from Polish students.

First, most of them did not know that the organization sponsoring the trip is suspected of terrorism. It is interesting that the students-people like (with an emphasis on "supposed" as shown) where intelligent did not think to check, who is organizing them, and why, practically for free, a trip to Paris. It's hard to say whether the result of carelessness, or rather the belief that "young people to be" wpajanego younger generations from childhood (in the increasing self-confidence). In any event, it has this situation shows how easily the Polish candidate for the 'intellectuals' (or rather wykształciuchów, aptly described as such, not liking your own reflection or doubt people Dorn) manipulated.

Second, informed by journalists about the real importance of their demonstrations, students not przejawili virtually no embarrassment ** (it would seem natural after the nakedness of their galloping stupidity) or willingness to change their plans (that is to recover money for the trip will not mention). Muslim sponsorship proved to be important. It shows not only the ease of manipulating the intellectually lazy and willingly unaware wykształciuchami-it's a clear sign that the Polish wykształciucha you can just buy cheap, persuaded to do anything, even contrary to the promises by the same wykształciucha theses-is enough to sponsor the tour to France.

most outrage amuses me that the news of the Polish primitive behavior "students" (yes, quotes intentional and designed to discredit the people who normally do not even succeeded in reaching the final exams) presented at poniektóre media. It is hard not to notice that such behavior is a simple consequence promoted by the media promotion of materialism and stupidity (even promoted by the inculcation of uncritical praise for the "authorities"). Some

environment (mercifully I will not mention a specific names and surnames, after all, we all know them) have established the breed was convinced of its exceptional value, for it wyzbytego with reflection or other forms of independent thinking-man's wykształciucha-value simply because due to its features easy to control (using the score to be included in a single medium, after all, does not need a differentiated wykształciuch information) . These environments, however, did not take into account that the so-crafted wykształciucha can control anyone who mastered control with specific commands, even if-as in this case-command "human rights".


* I write in quotes, because these rights are not so much human rights as a set of imaginative principles used primarily for extreme incitement various militias (eg, homosexual organizations) on wayward governments. ** Though

embarrassment to his own ignorance of the expedition, which most of their compromises.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Implantation Cramps In Thigh

Goclowski transcendental knowledge

As kindly reported " Journal " on its website, on a book about Walesa said today Archbishop Goclowski, sometimes called the jokers' SLD pastor 'or' pastor GW. "Goclowski archbishop's statement certainly compete for the top funniest past few weeks, if not for the fact that all this lead the complete expression of Wałęsa.

After all it is worth the fruit of deep reflection Gdansk-retired bishop to quote, even as evidence that Retirement is not merely a figment of a sham church authorities, but has deep reasons as a way to, at any rate, reducing his stay Gocłowskiemu similar bishop in the media.

mere fact that a complete misunderstanding of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe book (Quoting the article podlinkowanym from the diary: "According to the Archbishop . Goclowski, the book is an attack on a man who contributed greatly to achieve freedom and sovereignty of Poland, but also to unite the eastern and western Europe " ) Bishop could still be forgiven. Mark, however, you need that if we accept his logic and conclude that attacking Walesa is a terrible and shameful act, it would appear that najstraszniej progresses and the biggest disgrace to cover himself Walesa, whose every utterance seems almost calculated to inflict the greatest harm.

Everything pales, however, it was found that the work of historians of the IPN (NB based on the documents, while all the criticism is based on "inner beliefs" defenders "and pomnikowości symboliczności" Walesa, possibly on the fact that the book's authors have political views) This book " journalistic, an excessively politicized ." the same time, as reported in the Journal, the bishop argues that does not intend to even read.

Ladies and gentlemen, the possibilities are two. Or Bishop suffered a sudden illumination and opened before it transcends knowledge ... or (what must admit, it is more likely) was Archbishop of Gdansk, each acts as a progressive European intellectuals-that is wykształciuch-and speaks authoritatively about things which is not really a concept, but distinguished himself as the only correct sentence on the basis of the information by the media. Because the progressive European intellectuals is not too bright, the Bishop happened to be a little inconsistency in the statements ... But it does not matter, who cares sense and logic-not to mention when it comes to decency- to fulfill treaty obligations?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Corelle Bowl Toaster Oven

We're going Wielgus

Rzeczpospolita published fragments of the forthcoming book by Slawomir Cenckiewicz and Peter Gontarczyk Walesa's cooperation with the SB. They show clearly that Walesa had not performed the role of the registered "for statistics' names, but he reported and paid for it. In addition, the book deals with the activities of the former president in the early nineties, when he looked, and-probably-zdekompletował briefcase with documents on your topic.

time to deal with the meandering wałęsowskiej cooperation will come when the book is released and included in the evidence can be analyzed. Today, more interesting is the observation of behavior of its main character. If anyone accused Lech Walesa, listening to Radio Maryja, today I have received the final proof of the falsity of such accusations-you can see clearly that Walesa, Archbishop Wielgus case apparently does not know, and in particular does not know what leads compromise accepted by the bishop, and copied by the former president attitude of denying the facts.

Walesa behavior for some recalls the time a desperate defense of Archbishop Wielgus, but today has become an exceptional likeness-so Walesa, as the Archbishop Wielgus zaparte marched in the face of hard evidence, lying and dodging. In either case, cooperation alone pales against niehonorowego, embarrassing behavior in the event of disclosure.

But the most striking similarity is the similarity of the media and social support facilities, "Bolek" and "Grey's." Archbishop Wielgus defending the environment and is characterized by similar Walesa, a dogmatic approach to reality, resulting from blind faith in authorities (one side-the authority of the Father Rydzyk and several of his colleagues, on the other-wise bunch signed the letter in defense of the notorious former president), ignoring any enemies because, contemptuous attitude to the opponents, and-above all-aggression poppin 'from their behavior and expression (abusers sticks or umbrellas ladies family and the rabid rantings RM Rydzyk the one hand, smeared with mud, and routine car Cenckiewicz insulting and undermining the competence of the two historians on the other). Particularly nasty trick is accused Walesa, who says that the work of historians SB wins, he treats Walesa Indeed accusing each other such cooperation as a crime despite the fact that historians have presented concrete evidence of his words-but are not backed by anything, except maybe the former president's own convictions.

Bezrefleksyjność defenders as Wielgus, like Walesa, is quite shocking and very difficult to distinguish members of both camps. Fortunately supporters Wielgus berets they walk normally-at least in colder weather, it allows you some idea of \u200b\u200bwho we are dealing with.

Lech Walesa had a chance-chance-for many years to leave from his position with honor. His actions in the eighties, could easily justify a shameful decade earlier card. Unfortunately, Walesa chose to wade through the lies and hoping to blur the traces of a lack of interest in their documents (?) Or the strength of his own legend (?) - Difficult to define. You can count on people who surveyed (illegally) archives in the early nineties. It is difficult to express themselves clearly-it is certain that Lech Walesa lost his past and Present shame of this defeat are only signs.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wedding Desserts To Make Ahead

And wipe your mouth. Democracy.

If anyone still had illusions about the quality of policies pursued by the Civic Platform, a day after the publication Newsweek , the illusion must be dispelled. Party Schetyna using the expiry of the Verification Commission WSI just keeps the current verification team (which could possibly understand, and because of the relationship with a former UOP platforms can be understood very carefully), and doing so in a very simplistic, without parliamentary road .

Verification żołnierzy WSI is regulated by the Law on WSI solution. According to her, after military officers has been verified by the verification committee can take up employment in new services. Civic Platform is not going to change the law-it would require a debate and vote in the Sejm, which would prevent the settling the matter quietly, except that the law would probably vetoed by the president. So rather than bother with insignificant Sejm procedures, decided to solve the platform with the Defense Regulations. PO

activists would perhaps justify such an approach expected vetem president and the lack of time, unfortunately, this do not be-in the debate on a veto quickly because it would appear that the opposition against the ideas of the president is not due to PO pure malice, but due to the fact that the bill, which the president signed in 2006 is significantly different from the recent ideas of the ruling party. The main change you want to quietly push the OP, is a combination of verification of the "old" officers of the eligibility of new applicants. Quite clearly is at odds with current law and shows the way-and particularly in connection with yesterday's statements Tusk, on a completely different subject (the Irish) - the ratio of the Platform for democracy or the role of parliament. Gardłująca wydumanym threats against the democratic party as the previous governments Schetyna now made entirely of real abuses that are directly encouraging the violations of democratic procedures of the EC (figuring if there push through the Treaty of Lisbon) and is brazenly circumventing the law. PO politicians of his time Jaroslaw Kaczynski accused of political Machiavellianism, and now it turns out that just wanted to see their faults in the main political opponent ... After all, their own human flaws are the most annoying and considered the most embarrassing even for manifesting their footsteps (or suggestions) opponents.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

What Age Should Punishment Begin

With me it's probably a prophet will ...

my previous note finished this paragraph: I am looking forward to the reactions of Eurocrats, when the referendum results will be confirmed. I must admit that I expect a compromising for European politicians criticized Ireland as a country "antyeuropejskiego" and "separatist", which is a treat as the definitive critique of the grant because eurosceptykom .

Day yesterday had not yet ended, when died first proposals, which envisaged the possibility to ignore the democratic choice of the Irish. In order not to look away, Prime Minister Tusk (officially a supporter of democracy) said that "Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty-even if the Irish vote 'no' - does not disqualify the Treaty and the EU will seek a way of putting it into force ". course, very Tusk count on a European scale, although he ruled one of the larger EC countries, it is known that he would do anything for "the best integration", ie, de facto, the same ograniczywszy leeway is not a major player-of this very reason, however, can be expected that his voice is an extension of the opinion of the Berlin or Paris. Confirmation of a similar approach to the French (officially the world's leading Democrats) is a statement their secretary of state for European affairs, Jouvet: " most important thing is to continue the ratification process in other European countries and see what solutions we can find the Irish ." This same politician went so far as to threaten Ireland's isolation in the EC, claiming that " We can not throw from Europe country that it has been for 35 years. But we agree with Ireland specific forms of cooperation .

statements, which best shows the Eurocrats approach to democracy, but the question is denounced by their great panjandrum, Barroso: "The Treaty is not dead! Outcome of the Irish referendum will not solve Europe's problems, after all, in a joint statement endorsed by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy (as seen in key areas of Paris and Berlin are able to close ranks): "We regret following the Irish referendum, but the process of ratification of the treaty in Europe must move forward." Merkel and Sarkozy "regret" the results of a democratic referendum and the promise to ignore them (although initially it was assumed that sufficient lack of consent of one country to the treaty had landed in the trash ... someone to believe in lies Eurocrats?). If anyone thinks that my proposals go too far, please discuss with the Prime Minister of Belgium, whose statement " must remain calm, but Union does not become a hostage to Ireland! "confirms it in its entirety.

simple way for the EC to support the dictatorship of the European media. I will cite only a few titles for onet :" Ireland shocked Europe, "European nightmare," Irish Skanda l "- the German press. The result of a democratic vote is a scandal ... an interesting approach. "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung went so far as to explicitly suggestive of some smaller countries, finding that" few countries benefited from EU membership as much as Ireland " . The implication, therefore,-we paid you, so you should sit quietly and carry out our plans. Positively to this rozhisteryzowanym stands out, "Die Welt", noticing that the Union " needs a debate on the new livelihoods."

Votes French newspapers do not deviate too much from the advice of their eastern neighbors. Le Figaro says that "fortunately Ireland is the only country whose constitution requires a referendum on any treaty" and progressing to the proposal that the Irish vote again on the text of the Treaty, which has been to " minor amendments that respond to their concerns ."

European politicians (like most European media), as expected ultimately compromised his vision of the proposed "European integration" showing the instrumental use of people and ideas, which we preach. They proved that the unification of Europe is trampling the rights of its people and showing them their place in a series of commands obedient wykonywaczy a narrow body drawing on its (quite undemocratic) power certain benefits (see: Gerhard Schroeder, who sat the board of the consortium Nord Stream gas pipeline in exchange for bringing in its construction at a time when he was chancellor of Germany).

face, which presented the EC on the occasion of the Irish referendum is therefore strongly repulsive and should be forced to wonder whether we really want in a project called "integration" to participate. Of course, not force, because most people have long since ceased to EC over such matters, thinking, taking as its pan-European views, prointegracyjny clamor of politicians and the media. Is this zaczadzenie , even on zakrawające amok, does not resemble some events not so ancient history?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Birthday Pay Car Plates

Mr. President, let us be the second of Ireland!

All indications are that Ireland rejected the reform treaty in a referendum the European Community. Treaty, let us recall, which in fact turned down by such a mutation French Constitutional Treaty which the Eurocrats have decided to enter at all costs, against the wishes of a substantial part (who knows if not most) of the population. In Poland, the treaty would be ratified, still requires the signature of the President ... I secretly hope that the President, in a gesture of friendship, the Prime Minister Tusk, the Treaty does not sign, contributing to the building in Poland, the other Ireland.

Irish referendum results are confirmed-if-not very well testify to the state of democracy in the EC. Note that the overwhelming majority of Irish political scene supports the treaty, so that if the referendum did not take place, Ireland would adopt the treaty against the will of the Irish themselves. Green Island is the only place where a referendum on ratification of the treaty decydowało-all other countries have a ratification by the parliaments, sometimes with the participation of heads of state-precisely because of the possibility of rejecting the treaty in referendums, that is, assuming the top to act contrary to the will of the citizens.

conclusions that can be derived from the above facts are very simple. First, the opinion of "elites" and political societies in the treaty is sometimes diametrically opposed. Secondly, many countries have already ratified the Treaty, did so against the will of its citizens, in violation of democracy. Thirdly, then, "elite" political rather take the opinion of the population-although the lips are fully democratic platitudes. Democracy is therefore considered by the Eurocrats purely instrumental, and the views of citizens countries are members of the Communities, in fact, has no meaning.

I am looking forward to the reactions of Eurocrats, when the referendum results will be confirmed. I must admit that I expect a compromising for European politicians criticized Ireland as a country "antyeuropejskiego" and "separatist", which is a treat as the definitive critique of the grant because eurosceptykom.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Recipe Card Quotes For Shower

Prime Minister, there is hope! Where flows

Near Florence, the Italian naturalists discovered a unicorn . Unicorn, as shown in the attached picture, is young and quite pretty, reminding the appearance of a deer. As you know, unicorns (as promised by Sunny Peru and Kashubia miracles) do not appear particularly often, on the contrary, appear sporadically in the world-thus a manifestation of cattle from one corner to the top of the head can safely be regarded as a clear sign that even a miracle Platform is possible.

thesis is justified by more that a unicorn with the government Tusk also brings together other features. Oh, if only the proximity of the common species of deer and elks government. Besides, according to the researchers, the formation of a unicorn is the result of a genetic defect, or mutation- completely as the rise of current views of the Platform, resulting from mutations in the views espoused by the party against even three years ago. More- says Fulvio Fraticelli, an expert from the zoo in Rome, place from which grew this corner may be the result of trauma, which could experience the deer. Such convergence can not be accidental, after all, the current line platforms also resulted from an injury-who does not remember the autumn of 2005?

As you can see, all indications are that the miracle is near.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Is Owning A Pet Platypus Legal


Form TVP president Andrzej Urbanski, I must admit, does not raise my particular liking. Urbanski-at first glance, the Kaczynski brothers collaborator-is actually a very independent and extremely wyrachowanym player, having a large (sometimes nightmarish) links. Today, "Pontoon," became the hero of the publication portal, "Diary" because of speculation about the possibility of entry to the board postkomunisty Dubaniowskiego TVP.

Perhaps my reluctance to Urbanski is caused by circumstances that accompanied his fill as president of TVP. Bronislaw Wildstein gave the head of public television as few others. There is no point in praising his person, rather, that guarantees the independence of the president of television regardless of the political turmoil. Replacement Wildstein Urbański was definitely a stupid move, indeed zemściło Jaroslaw Kaczynski on when Andrzej Urbanski (along with the whole TVP) actively participated in the campaign platforms (action, "go to the elections") and greatly contributed to the defeat of its protector. I do not want to spin conspiracy theories, but it is hard to resist the impression that Andrew did not cause then Urbański stupidity.

Urbanski is the man on his way to independent and who value their independence. Of course this is another independent, non-independence of such Wildstein. Figuratively, you can compare the two figures for ships plying the seas (or, traditionally, "Pontoon," Urbanski, the pontoon) - so that it flows Wildstein course chosen by themselves, while Urbanski drifts with the currents, with whom he happened to drift comfortably.

It would seem that the current president of TVP, which call during the election campaign in 2007 against the PiS branch cuts, on which sits, in spite of everything associated with the party of the Kaczynski. From the standpoint of PO bound Urbanski as the head of the PiS TVP is obviously advantageous, as it allows the vision of government promotion platformerskiej Jaroslaw Kaczynski, doubtful that Andrzej Urbanski, was counting on post-electoral gratitude Tusk-even if it is an alternative scenario was developed to perfection. Paradoxically

PiS election defeat proved beneficial for Urbanski. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, even if he had to his former protégé to support the claims of the enemy, he could not afford a manifestation of feelings-he stopped to be prime minister, Urbanski and still occupies one of the key positions in the state. Rejected by the OP again, it can be used as an ally of the PiS, but this time he held the cards and, despite tendencies platforms can keep the position even more, it has full support for the PiS and the president (any other president of TVP will of course be disposable to the OP, so you better bet on the wayward, but by the OP dislikes Urbanski).

Objectively, given the current conditions, it is difficult to see better than Urbanski, a candidate for the position of President of TVP. Everyone will be designated by the PO-course prorządowy Tusk did not allow itself to anyone independent, neutral, or will it be in the style Wildstein independence, autonomy or specifically conceived a Urbanski, take mediocre and the faithful, guided by criteria similar to those which apply choosing his ministers. More and pro-government media is less pluralism. Urbanski, although the game on the same side as the PiS, in fact, not playing with the PiS as a team. Specifically conceived to independence has made a kind of apolitical-in the sense that it is not dependent on any political force (although it is a political force to some extent dependent on it). Nevertheless, such a situation to appreciate the falls, you can also laugh at his mustache with a situation where the government is more antytelewizyjny than anti-government television.

As we can see, in order to install the maneuverings of the Supervisory Board of TVP Waldemar Dubaniowskiego (whether before inserting to the Programme Gadzinowskiego) to lick Urbanski, which uses impotence PiS to remain on the stool. Law and Justice changed TVP president would be tantamount to an extension of the racket antyPiSowskiego private media on public television (which is actually gibberish would cover the entire television-including the pluralism of the media would eventually be eliminated.) PiS will do much to avoid this is-better, as I mentioned, specifically the independent TV Urbanski than the next tube propagandists Tusk.

Urbanski, an experienced player and ruthless, not omieszkuje to the use and consistently builds its position. The only question is, what he intends to achieve the so-prepared position-can be no doubt that as the autocratic head of the first TVP has enormous room to maneuver.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Can I Play Farmville With Blackberry

Article Joanna Stanislawska-stupidity, hatred and manipulation?

appeared on wp.pl article was an act for Joan Stanislawska loud czternastolatki case, which may be a result of rape she became pregnant and maybe wants to remove the pregnancy. It is difficult to determine because the relationships are changing as a kaleidoscope. The fact is undeniable that the pro-abortion organizations zwietrzyły on another opportunity to promote abortion obligation.

incriminatory article is quite primitive agitką pro-abortion, but it contains two very significant pieces. The first is the statement by Joanna Sochacka, a lawyer who compares czternastolatki matter with the case of Alice Thousand (if anyone has forgotten-to the lady who wyprocesowała niezamordowanie compensation for her child-judgment at the time the child was 6 years-it is called a real mother's love, right?). Ms. Sochacka argues that failure to abortion is for the Polish State the best way to lose another process (before a fikuśnym eurotrybunałem).

Well, even though they were losing before this-or any other, even serious- tribunal even if the ten or a hundred processes-is a force which, by doing so will saved, is worth . Perhaps for people insensitive, washed with humanity, comparing the value of life with the value of compensation (or the dubious value of the symbolic itself "above") is a reasonable-but such comparisons provide only a comparative wyzuciu of humanity and are unacceptable in a civilized society.

Another major piece is the opinion of the author of the article: " as a result of continuous harassment by activists of the pro-life she suffered a severe hemorrhage ." I am a quiet man not lend itself to emotion, but I confess that this piece of me pissed off. Consider the situation. Fourteen pregnant, pregnancy, of course, first. Apparently dysfunctional family. Stress associated with hospitalization. Hype ("Election", "Newsweek," especially). Pro-abortion activist movements. activists pro-life. Plenty of possible causes of bleeding, which probably was caused by the sum of all these factors, with particular emphasis on girl's body immaturity. Meanwhile Stanisławska knows-hemorrhage resulted in harassment by activists of the pro-life.

primitive understanding of the world, hatred for those who think differently or conscious desire to manipulate?

Monday, June 9, 2008

How To Get Heterochromia Iridum

around the scene (political)

Lech Walesa nerves let go of all-his speeches are more and more spectacular, even Niesiołowski (that I will use a neologism.) On the occasion of former President insults opponents (where the living room yelling indignantly protesting against the lowering of public debate?) And compromises are in any way possible-even announcing that Bolek reveal who is only a week after reading the book. This shows that Walesa did not know whom to blame for being Bolek and does not want his version turned out to be grossly inconsistent with the book.

whole thing would be much more aesthetic, Lech Walesa had not withdrawn in June 1992, notes from the PAP; skompromitowałby much less, if admitted at any time later. Even if he admitted now, cease to wade into the swamp-though we're at a stage in which Walesa is far more compromised past actions rather than cooperation in the 70s

his ecological niche found for it and started working with Miroslaw Orzechowski. Rather than throw up at the door of the political scene (which is obviously damaged Walesa after 1995) decided to do a national trefnisia. Physiognomy even fit enough that a former MP LPR uses a few strong colors ... I must admit that after the defeat of Germany, there is nothing that can improve the humor, as the proposal Orzechowski to receive Polish citizenship of two leading German competitors-Klose and Podolskiemu. True, what sweet revenge? And it is well-chosen-probably more loss of nationality zmartwiłby to Podolski, Klose for some time myself openly to your bimba origin, Podolski and even tries to pretend "torn internally" (that comes out is a grotesque, is another matter.) But he who drove us two goals? Well, let Podolski just-so is suffering.

course, the question of whether the performances in the foreign representation should not be an impulse to renounce their citizenship remains open (although the concept of honor has recently become difficult to grasp, especially among young people, so do not expect that one of the German Aces decides to attack to even consider it.) This, however, made the honor can not learn, moreover, I do not think about it Orzechowskiemu meant. Does not look like-Orzechowski is irreplaceable. I wonder what comes up to wipe tears after the match with Austria?

I personally hope that he will have to wait for the Croatia ... However, this is made, that I'm usually hurraoptymistą.