All indications are that Ireland rejected the reform treaty in a referendum the European Community. Treaty, let us recall, which in fact turned down by such a mutation French Constitutional Treaty which the Eurocrats have decided to enter at all costs, against the wishes of a substantial part (who knows if not most) of the population. In Poland, the treaty would be ratified, still requires the signature of the President ... I secretly hope that the President, in a gesture of friendship, the Prime Minister Tusk, the Treaty does not sign, contributing to the building in Poland, the other Ireland.
Irish referendum results are confirmed-if-not very well testify to the state of democracy in the EC. Note that the overwhelming majority of Irish political scene supports the treaty, so that if the referendum did not take place, Ireland would adopt the treaty against the will of the Irish themselves. Green Island is the only place where a referendum on ratification of the treaty decydowało-all other countries have a ratification by the parliaments, sometimes with the participation of heads of state-precisely because of the possibility of rejecting the treaty in referendums, that is, assuming the top to act contrary to the will of the citizens.
conclusions that can be derived from the above facts are very simple. First, the opinion of "elites" and political societies in the treaty is sometimes diametrically opposed. Secondly, many countries have already ratified the Treaty, did so against the will of its citizens, in violation of democracy. Thirdly, then, "elite" political rather take the opinion of the population-although the lips are fully democratic platitudes. Democracy is therefore considered by the Eurocrats purely instrumental, and the views of citizens countries are members of the Communities, in fact, has no meaning.
I am looking forward to the reactions of Eurocrats, when the referendum results will be confirmed. I must admit that I expect a compromising for European politicians criticized Ireland as a country "antyeuropejskiego" and "separatist", which is a treat as the definitive critique of the grant because eurosceptykom.
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