Saturday, June 14, 2008

What Age Should Punishment Begin

With me it's probably a prophet will ...

my previous note finished this paragraph: I am looking forward to the reactions of Eurocrats, when the referendum results will be confirmed. I must admit that I expect a compromising for European politicians criticized Ireland as a country "antyeuropejskiego" and "separatist", which is a treat as the definitive critique of the grant because eurosceptykom .

Day yesterday had not yet ended, when died first proposals, which envisaged the possibility to ignore the democratic choice of the Irish. In order not to look away, Prime Minister Tusk (officially a supporter of democracy) said that "Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty-even if the Irish vote 'no' - does not disqualify the Treaty and the EU will seek a way of putting it into force ". course, very Tusk count on a European scale, although he ruled one of the larger EC countries, it is known that he would do anything for "the best integration", ie, de facto, the same ograniczywszy leeway is not a major player-of this very reason, however, can be expected that his voice is an extension of the opinion of the Berlin or Paris. Confirmation of a similar approach to the French (officially the world's leading Democrats) is a statement their secretary of state for European affairs, Jouvet: " most important thing is to continue the ratification process in other European countries and see what solutions we can find the Irish ." This same politician went so far as to threaten Ireland's isolation in the EC, claiming that " We can not throw from Europe country that it has been for 35 years. But we agree with Ireland specific forms of cooperation .

statements, which best shows the Eurocrats approach to democracy, but the question is denounced by their great panjandrum, Barroso: "The Treaty is not dead! Outcome of the Irish referendum will not solve Europe's problems, after all, in a joint statement endorsed by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy (as seen in key areas of Paris and Berlin are able to close ranks): "We regret following the Irish referendum, but the process of ratification of the treaty in Europe must move forward." Merkel and Sarkozy "regret" the results of a democratic referendum and the promise to ignore them (although initially it was assumed that sufficient lack of consent of one country to the treaty had landed in the trash ... someone to believe in lies Eurocrats?). If anyone thinks that my proposals go too far, please discuss with the Prime Minister of Belgium, whose statement " must remain calm, but Union does not become a hostage to Ireland! "confirms it in its entirety.

simple way for the EC to support the dictatorship of the European media. I will cite only a few titles for onet :" Ireland shocked Europe, "European nightmare," Irish Skanda l "- the German press. The result of a democratic vote is a scandal ... an interesting approach. "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung went so far as to explicitly suggestive of some smaller countries, finding that" few countries benefited from EU membership as much as Ireland " . The implication, therefore,-we paid you, so you should sit quietly and carry out our plans. Positively to this rozhisteryzowanym stands out, "Die Welt", noticing that the Union " needs a debate on the new livelihoods."

Votes French newspapers do not deviate too much from the advice of their eastern neighbors. Le Figaro says that "fortunately Ireland is the only country whose constitution requires a referendum on any treaty" and progressing to the proposal that the Irish vote again on the text of the Treaty, which has been to " minor amendments that respond to their concerns ."

European politicians (like most European media), as expected ultimately compromised his vision of the proposed "European integration" showing the instrumental use of people and ideas, which we preach. They proved that the unification of Europe is trampling the rights of its people and showing them their place in a series of commands obedient wykonywaczy a narrow body drawing on its (quite undemocratic) power certain benefits (see: Gerhard Schroeder, who sat the board of the consortium Nord Stream gas pipeline in exchange for bringing in its construction at a time when he was chancellor of Germany).

face, which presented the EC on the occasion of the Irish referendum is therefore strongly repulsive and should be forced to wonder whether we really want in a project called "integration" to participate. Of course, not force, because most people have long since ceased to EC over such matters, thinking, taking as its pan-European views, prointegracyjny clamor of politicians and the media. Is this zaczadzenie , even on zakrawające amok, does not resemble some events not so ancient history?


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