Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Implantation Cramps In Leg?

interest (abortion) must be spinning

A certain Alice Thousand, better known for selling for money, her own child, wywęszyła new business. Najobrotniejsza of Polish women intend this time to earn Gancarczyku priest who allegedly violated her personal rights. How itself admits, depends mainly on its profits, so it seems reasonable to define its term businesswoman.

As an aside-I'm curious as to the values \u200b\u200bof personal and their violation can know a person who has publicly demanded compensation for the fact that it has failed to kill their own, several years already, baby? Probably not much, but after pecunia non Olet ...

Fr. Gancarczyk, editor "will be on Sunday," , in a series of articles devoted to the defense of life opposed to killing children, citing the example of Alice thousand. "Guest Sunday" abortion determined without the use of euphemism as a homicide, the indictment will therefore probably constructed to argue that such a term abortion offends the woman performing an abortion. Ergo: a significant, if not the main objective of the process may determine that the prohibition of abortion (adequate but just this issue is of less importance) as homicide or murder. If it is, in fact, we can talk about the slow cessation of fascist hiding his face pro-abortion movement.

One of our major media, moreover, gave the material concerning the case wherein the title "The process to be" frustrated assassin ", which, taking into account the line represented by this medium (resp. a very specific approach to freedom of speech and thought) quite clearly shows that such a course of action would be Prosecution. The title above is a coarse manipulation, suggesting that, in "Our Sunday Visitor," uses the expression "frustrated murderess," while the thing was not such a place.

These (Without mentioning names, something I've done lately brzydliwy) title medium term, therefore, inferred from the reasoning: "define abortion as murder / murder, and so define women who undergo abortions as their children's killers / morderczyń, therefore define women who wanted to give their children an abortion, but for some reason they did not succeed as would-be killers / morderczyń, so since the latter group should be Alice Thousand, is a memory of its people in "show on Sunday" justifies suggestion that "Guest Sunday" used that define literally. But it is quite a significant difference between the literal expression, and saying the same thing in a way sort of veiled (the wording "the minister is stupid," sounds much more sharply than the meaning in a certain situation, otherwise known exactly the same "cost report, the Minister has repeatedly exceeded the amount of fraud, of which this report treat, right?).

When I wrote the above text, overtook me one more reflection.'s leftists calling for the extension the right to kill people, children, on the other hand someone sued rascal for the fact that this called for legalization of shooting lefties (advocated legalization, not shooting against the existing law-a fundamental difference.) Interesting, huh? The more that loon calling for legalization of punishment (quite crude, must admit) for something (specifically-for attacks on other people's property and life), while calling for the legalization of abortionists to kill innocents for its very existence.


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