Temples really like, is a half thousand years, and a specific atmosphere, not to mention the picturesque location of and the whole plejadzie known masters of Buddhism, also sacred (which you attributed to naludzkie powers), who lived in it. It is not a big problem for us, even that of the temple is a lot of people - mostly because we leave the Tiantai usually on Sundays, and on the weekends is always a lot of tourists.
I hope to eventually describe the temples, most recently in Nawal somehow everything I could not get down to serious work on the blog. Wines must be ordered for this Guqina my teacher, who taught us a new, very long and very difficult work, whose title in the free translation is "no hidden agenda" 鸥鹭 忘 机. Determination
Wangji 忘 机 Taoist is a term, which means pure, clear mind, not moved by any desire, without desires or hidden agenda.
Work This is a story inspired by what can be found in the chapter with the yellow Emperor 皇帝 the Taoist classic Liezi 列子. Now, on the shore of the sea lived a father and son. Son was very fond of gulls, and every day at dawn walked on the beach play with the birds, which once saw him immediately przylatywaly whole herds. When my father heard about this, he said to his son: "I heard seagulls love to you, why do not you caught me a few to have fun?". The next day the son, as usual in the morning he went to the beach, to think, to catch a seagull, but these were circulating surprisingly high over his head and none of them approached him.
Anyway, song is long, it takes more than five minutes, the gestures of musical notation is 3 pages in the book, so on the day sitting on Guqinem and exercise - for at writing a blog is neglected. This week I have lessons to celebrate Chinese holidays 清明节 dead, but the big M has an extra day off and of course we go again ... the Heavenly Terraces
Coming back to the temple - during both visits, of course we had to spend considerable time in the monastery bookstore, where he got another couple of pounds of waste paper. As usual, Mala M also had to necessarily get some sort of booklet - it myself chose the color and graphics on the cover of it. Chose two - a green with bamboo, and the other with pink lotus flower. The funniest thing is that both books are really interesting - especially the green, which is a collection of wisdom by Master buddysjkich Lotus Pond ( Lian Chi ) 莲池大师 titled "Loose Notes on bamboo Window" 竹 窗 随笔.
Master Lian Chi is regarded as the patriarch of the eighth generation of the Buddhist Pure Land school 净土 and one of the four greatest Chinese Buddhist masters of the Ming Dynasty (1378-1644). He was born in 1535 in Hangzhou 杭州 into a wealthy aristocratic family. In childhood received a traditional Confucian teachings. Pewneg of the age of 17 he heard that a neighbor who lives next to the elderly every day thousands of times utters the name of Buddha, and curious about the reason he asked. neighbor said: "My husband daily recite Buddha's name, and when death finally came, he died peacefully, without any illness and suffering, I know that reciting the name of Buddy gives a great power. "Lian Chi moved, he realized how important it is to transition from life to death, and became interested in the teachings of Pure Land. Soon after his parents died, making it even directed toward Buddhism Chi Lian. As a result, at age 32 year he decided to part with the family and become a monk. After an initial period of teaching for the seat of the Temple, choosing among clouds 云栖 寺 in Hangzhou. Surrounding the temple were harassed by the tigers that attacked and killed people, but after prayers Lian Chi tigers did not appeared more . The following year came the drought, and the peasants turned to Lian Chi, asking for help. This went along with the other monks at obchod half, striking a wooden rattle (Wooden Fish 木鱼) and reciting the name of Buddha. A little later, heavy rain began to fall exactly in those places, which celebrated champion.
Photo: Master Lian Chi (Lotus Pond) (1535-1615):

After these events the name Lian Chi became famous, and the teachings of Pure Land school got tones of many followers. After the death of the seventh Patriarch Master Xingchang 省 常 大师 for over 550 years the Earth did not clean remained popular, and only Lian Chi to the newly restored the splendor of this line of Buddhism, whose teachings proclaim that, by reciting the Buddha's name Amithaba man at the time of death will be introduced to the West Land lucky.
in the sixth month Lian Chi 1615 years felt that death is coming, so he went to town and said goodbye to friends, then returned to the temple where the monks had granted last teachings. On the first day of the seventh month Master Lian Chi said: "Tomorrow I'm gone." At night I felt a bit less well, so he went to his cell, where he sat down to meditate with closed eyes. Next day morning, said to awake at his monks: "honestly recite the name of Buddha, do not be fooled by demons, not determined by me lamcie regol monastery," and turned his face toward the west and reciting the name of the Buddha died. He had then 81 years. Was buried on the slopes of Five 五 云山 clouds.
Lian Chi Master of Science in May distinct staining Chan / Zen, said to be he just merged the two varieties each complementing them. Below
two anecdotes in my translation from the "loose notes into a bamboo Window":
"In science, it is important concentration"
Yuanzhang Mi said: "Learning how to calligraphy should devote himself to it completely, if you want to achieve success should not have any other distractions of interest. " I myself once heard that the masters taught their students Guqina only 2-3 songs, and you fully understand their secrets. Although these are not big words, it can be applied to matters of great. Buddha in his will, he said: "If the mind to focus fully, then there is no things which you could not make. "So if someone distracted by many things, then there is nothing in any reaches. If we act with full devotion and concentration, then very quickly reach Samadhi. All those who meditate and recite the Buddha's name should this note.
Note: Mi Yuanzhang 米 元 章 is mentioned here famous champion Mi Fu calligraphy 米 芾.
People react differently when before their eyes, you will get rich, beautiful woman, fame or benefit.'ll feel the fire and comparison of five different substances adjacent to it. The first is the hay, as it touches the fire, the flame immediately overwhelms them. The second is the wood for the fire, though not light up right away, it's enough to blow a few times and is lit. The third one is iron, it in no coming into contact with fire is lit, but if it is in contact with fire long enough, eventually melt. The fourth is water, not only, with no burning, but it can extinguish fire. But when you put me in the kettle, then boiling hot and evaporates. Piata is emptiness, no form or shape, so no matter how great a fire in August that its not mistreated, she suffers not any damage, no need to extinguish the fire, in the end he burns out and turns itself off. Of these five, the first ordinary people, passthru three are those who have achieved various degrees of sophistication in Buddhist practice, in order from shallow to deeper. Only the last This is a level, experienced can only Buddhas and holy.
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