Monday, October 6, 2008

Cubefield Older Version

What did Nobel? Style

Norwegian peace activist F. Heffermehl looked at in a recently published book, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for their compliance with the criteria put by the founder. Heffermehl said that while before 1945 they met the criteria of 85% winners, then in the postwar era-only 45%. Without going deeper into the same analysis, we draw attention to the indicated its trend and see a certain analogy with our local "Nobel Prize" backyard. In short-compare our pre-and post-war winners.

Those first-Curie, Sienkiewicz and Reymont-are considered as those gloriously enshrined in our story. post-war winners and, of course, is not depriving them of merit, without exception, people wake of controversy, which may not necessarily boast crystal biography. Czeslaw Milosz, just after the war wysługujący the Communists, after breaking up with the leash criticizing artists who were doing more or less the same as he. Wislawa Szymborska, the Soviet Stalinism delighted robber and giving expression to the involved rows. Finally, Lech Walesa, the man, say, a moderate size, whose history with a malicious chuckle the next largest set of Poles. Yes, as Milosz and Szymborska Walesa and probably met the criteria required to win the Nobel ... However, in comparison with the Curie-Sklodowska, Sienkiewicz and Reymont fall, what are talking, bladziutko.

same thing has happened with our prospective awarded Nobel Prize, Professor Wolszczan. His scientific achievements zapewne wystarczają do przyznania mu tej prestiżowej nagrody- jakkolwiek, gdyby nie był donosicielem, raczej nie osiągnąłby tego, co udało mu się dzięki współpracy z systemem totalitarnym. Ewentualna nagroda nie ustawi go wśród powszechnie szanowanych, kryształowych Postaci, podobnie jak nie zaliczyła do nich Miłosza, Wałęsy czy Szymborskiej. Podobnie jak te trzy osoby, Wolszczan stanie się co najwyżej głównym bohaterem sporów, przez jednych wysławiany, przez drugich bezwzględnie krytykowany; obawy więc, że ewentualna nagroda dla Wolszczana będzie potężną bronią w rękach przeciwników lustracji, są probably exaggerated. However, it ask ourselves another question-whether the spirit of Alfred Nobel, establishing awards for scientific achievements, was to support the development of science-or perhaps to encourage the making discoveries at any cost, regardless of the other man, elemental decency, or any rules? This year's verdict of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, will undoubtedly be helpful in answering.


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