Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wedding Desserts To Make Ahead

And wipe your mouth. Democracy.

If anyone still had illusions about the quality of policies pursued by the Civic Platform, a day after the publication Newsweek , the illusion must be dispelled. Party Schetyna using the expiry of the Verification Commission WSI just keeps the current verification team (which could possibly understand, and because of the relationship with a former UOP platforms can be understood very carefully), and doing so in a very simplistic, without parliamentary road .

Verification żołnierzy WSI is regulated by the Law on WSI solution. According to her, after military officers has been verified by the verification committee can take up employment in new services. Civic Platform is not going to change the law-it would require a debate and vote in the Sejm, which would prevent the settling the matter quietly, except that the law would probably vetoed by the president. So rather than bother with insignificant Sejm procedures, decided to solve the platform with the Defense Regulations. PO

activists would perhaps justify such an approach expected vetem president and the lack of time, unfortunately, this do not be-in the debate on a veto quickly because it would appear that the opposition against the ideas of the president is not due to PO pure malice, but due to the fact that the bill, which the president signed in 2006 is significantly different from the recent ideas of the ruling party. The main change you want to quietly push the OP, is a combination of verification of the "old" officers of the eligibility of new applicants. Quite clearly is at odds with current law and shows the way-and particularly in connection with yesterday's statements Tusk, on a completely different subject (the Irish) - the ratio of the Platform for democracy or the role of parliament. Gardłująca wydumanym threats against the democratic party as the previous governments Schetyna now made entirely of real abuses that are directly encouraging the violations of democratic procedures of the EC (figuring if there push through the Treaty of Lisbon) and is brazenly circumventing the law. PO politicians of his time Jaroslaw Kaczynski accused of political Machiavellianism, and now it turns out that just wanted to see their faults in the main political opponent ... After all, their own human flaws are the most annoying and considered the most embarrassing even for manifesting their footsteps (or suggestions) opponents.


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