" Iranian Society "from Berlin, the organization-Iranian branch of the" People's Mojahedin " in Paris organizes a protest against the" breaking human rights in Iran. "He says very little about the protest, in fact only that Muslims and learned to use the bat so-called" human rights "* to fight for their goals. There is, moreover, the same subject-at least from the perspective of the Poles-the most important; as long as Muslims are primarily a problem of the French and Germans. With our Polish perspective is more important part in the demonstration mudżahedińskiej Poles. Strictly speaking-Polish students. most closely-themes which our students (future "elite nation" ... laughter sweeps ) direct.
Well Polish students tempted at a very cheap (at least 20 zł), a three-day trip to Paris. In exchange for the opportunity to visit the French capital must only take part in a Muslim protest. Is a manifestation of organizing a terrorist organization (more likely) or only at the terrorists created, is less important. It is important to something else-is what guided interviewed by journalists from Polish students.
First, most of them did not know that the organization sponsoring the trip is suspected of terrorism. It is interesting that the students-people like (with an emphasis on "supposed" as shown) where intelligent did not think to check, who is organizing them, and why, practically for free, a trip to Paris. It's hard to say whether the result of carelessness, or rather the belief that "young people to be" wpajanego younger generations from childhood (in the increasing self-confidence). In any event, it has this situation shows how easily the Polish candidate for the 'intellectuals' (or rather wykształciuchów, aptly described as such, not liking your own reflection or doubt people Dorn) manipulated.
Second, informed by journalists about the real importance of their demonstrations, students not przejawili virtually no embarrassment ** (it would seem natural after the nakedness of their galloping stupidity) or willingness to change their plans (that is to recover money for the trip will not mention). Muslim sponsorship proved to be important. It shows not only the ease of manipulating the intellectually lazy and willingly unaware wykształciuchami-it's a clear sign that the Polish wykształciucha you can just buy cheap, persuaded to do anything, even contrary to the promises by the same wykształciucha theses-is enough to sponsor the tour to France.
most outrage amuses me that the news of the Polish primitive behavior "students" (yes, quotes intentional and designed to discredit the people who normally do not even succeeded in reaching the final exams) presented at poniektóre media. It is hard not to notice that such behavior is a simple consequence promoted by the media promotion of materialism and stupidity (even promoted by the inculcation of uncritical praise for the "authorities"). Some
environment (mercifully I will not mention a specific names and surnames, after all, we all know them) have established the breed was convinced of its exceptional value, for it wyzbytego with reflection or other forms of independent thinking-man's wykształciucha-value simply because due to its features easy to control (using the score to be included in a single medium, after all, does not need a differentiated wykształciuch information) . These environments, however, did not take into account that the so-crafted wykształciucha can control anyone who mastered control with specific commands, even if-as in this case-command "human rights".
* I write in quotes, because these rights are not so much human rights as a set of imaginative principles used primarily for extreme incitement various militias (eg, homosexual organizations) on wayward governments. ** Though
embarrassment to his own ignorance of the expedition, which most of their compromises.