Welcome to the photo workshop!
On behalf of the City and County Public Library in Legionowo Welcome to photography workshops. Below zamieszczmy details:
Photography Workshops for Beginners
Organizer: Municipal and County Public Library Legionowo
Recipients: Readers public libraries from the county Legionowo - beginner amateur photographers who would like to have their pictures have become a better
Time and place:
Classes from 5 October 2010 to December 2 r 2010, including:
- 8 meetings lecture at the Library Street. W. Broniewskiego 7 Legionowo Tuesdays and Thursdays. 19.00 - 21.00,
- two open-air meeting on Saturday hours. 8.00 - 12.00.
Lecture Meeting - 5, 12, 21 October, 4, 9, 16, 25 November, 2 December;
outdoor Meetings - October 16 and 20 listopadaProgram workshops
first The modern camera, features, advantages and disadvantages. Different types of lenses. FLASH. Useful photographic accessories.
second Parameters of the camera. Introduction - Basic Exposure time, aperture, lens focal length, the sensitivity matrix.
third Depth of field - what is it?
4th The composition of the photographic image, the characteristics of a good photograph
5th The light in photography. Sources and selection of light. Using the flash. Influence of light on the final result image.
6th Various subjects photo.
7th Archiving and presentation of photographs.
first Workshops are designed for youth (junior high school students and schools) and adults who are residents of the District Legionowo readers of City and County Public Library in the Legion or any other public library in the area of \u200b\u200bour county with their own or a borrowed camera.
second Attendance is free of charge. Participants bear the costs of implementation of prints for exhibition and refreshments powarsztatową the opening of the exhibition.
third Register by contacting Peter Dobrow, an instructor of the library until 20 September 2010. or to close the list of participants (the number of places is limited - 15 people):
- on-site at the Library or by phone (774-13-13 ext. 27)
in hours. 8.00 - 16.00
- electronically - email: instruktor@bibliotekalegionowo.pl
4th Along with the application or with an instructor at a fixed time limit should be submitted personally signed card holders.
5th The workshop is only open to persons who satisfy all the conditions of participation.
Facilitator workshops - Dorothy Milerowicz
• member of the Union of Polish Wildlife Photographers,
• participant photography workshop conducted by George Makowski,
• member ZPAF - winner of photographic competitions, including "Photo - Tur", "Foto - Eco 'Competition. E. Artwiga,
• participant of several group exhibitions and two individual juror
• photo contests,
• deal with different types of photography, especially nature photography
Powarsztatowa photo exhibition
integral part of the workshop will powarsztatowa photographic exhibition at the Library. It will be presented on the work of all workshop participants. Opening of the exhibition in January 2011
details at the first meeting on 5 October 2010, the first meeting we take the camera and 3-5 from your own pictures (photographs as prints, but it can also be digital files.)
All interested are invited to the Public Library in Wieliszew. Please be advised that the municipal library may submit two readers for the workshop. We are requested to ewentulnych willing until 10 September.