天台山 in May - the unknown - Part One
little over a week ago we celebrated the feast of Chinese Duanwu 端午节 and on this occasion both M had four days off. Two years ago Chinese people had free only on the occasion of the first of May and the first of October, and from their own traditional world had only a Spring Festival. In a country in which there is no paid leave, only these three holy nation traveled wakacjonowac, \u200b\u200bwhich, given a large amount of people meant a monstrous crowds everywhere. Had occasion to lead tours of the Polish 1st of May and early October, and it was a nightmare. Especially stuck in my memory of visiting the Forbidden City (Imperial Palace that is) in Beijing, where one of the contestants stumbled on a high threshold in one go, and lost her balance, and a crowd of nearly trampled. Fortunately, thanks to the crowd managed to return to its equilibrium, but the fear ate at niemiara August - me too. Another trip had to spend an exciting day at the famous Taoist top of Huashan 华山, known for its vertical walls and spectacular views. When we arrived at the end of the extract, it turned out that we are standing in line for at least 3 godziny. Ruszylem wiec do naczialnika wyciagu, a ten byl ze mna szczery. Powiedzial, ze nawet jesli wpuscilby nas do kolejki (choc grozilo to zamieszkami ze strony tlumow czekajacych), to nie ma pewnosci, czy to samo uczyni jego odpowiednik na szczycie. Poniewaz wieczorem mielismy pociag z niedalekiego Luoyangu, nie moglismy podejmowac takiego ryzyka, i zrezygnwalismy z wjazdu na gore. NB ta grupa, ktora zwiedzala Chiny w czasie Zlotego Tygodnia 黄金周 swiat pierwszego maja byla upiorna - nigdy jej nie zapomne, a nawet gdybym chcial, to siwe wlosy, ktorych mi wtedy gwaltownie przybylo, nie pozwola na to...
Rzad chcac rozladowac takie sytuacje skoncentrowanych wyjazdow w trzech okresach w roku, postanowil wskrzesic kilka tradycyjnych World Chinese - Feast Duanwu and Moon Festival 中秋节. Mainly to resurrect it in order to relieve a bit of tourism on the occasion of 1st May, and at the same time give people more opportunities for short - and in this way a bit to enliven the tourism sector in China. Not quite made it. A full week off from Labor Day allowed for longer trips. Shortening, and in return give here and there, 2-3 days meant that people either sit at home, or szwendaja August after the shops, or eat any where near. I will not hide from us is a good solution, because we do not have to be afraid of problems with buying tickets, hotels or crowds busy on the trails. Besides, as a rule, avoid busy trails, going into the little known regions, exploring the wild and little available space.
Not really had a chance to prepare yourself for the last trip - quality control, report writing, fast packing, little sleep, filled with nights, at the end of the bus on Wednesday morning, load your favorite hotel from a bad breakfast. Luckily I took with me an excellent book, which are described in the space, which is often difficult to find on a map, and even local residents frequently Tiantai in general do not hear about them. Tiantai resident wrote books and traveler with a passion, and that is our true bible, supplying much information about the area. On Wednesday evening, when the girls went to bed tired of traveling, I sat down on the book and started studying it again. Previously I have had ideas how to spend the first day. Planned to krotka wyprawe, zeby pospac dluzej i odpoczac. Chcialem w ten pierwszy dzien pojsc w okolice swiatyni, w ktorej znajduje sie pagoda - sakrofag z cialem Zhizhe, zalozyciela odmiany Tiantai chinskiego buddyzmu. Ksiazka mowila, ze znajduje sie tam inna, opuszczona swiatynia, zwana Swiatynia Wielkiego Pokoju 太平寺. Niedaleko niej mialy znajdowac sie dzikie formacje skalne warte zobaczenia. Taki plan postanowlismy zrealizowac, i nastepnego dnia po jak zwyke kiepskim sniadaniu (do tego w tlumach lokalnych turystow przepychajacych sie do koryta, Duza M strasznie sie tym frasowala) zamowilismy z recepcji taksowke. Taksa przyjechala szybko, po 15 minutach, od kierowcy, ktory nas wiozl z dworca autobusowego do hotelu poprzedniego wieczora znalismy przyblizona course fee, so I got a tenner zbilismy and went. The driver turned out to be very sympathetic, he knew us (a total of 150 taxi drivers in Tiantai, many of them wiozlo us during our previous visits), talked a lot about the area. Quickly zgadalismy August, because it turned out that his and my message overlap - we read the same book ... The driver, Zhang Xingji 张兴吉, took us to the place from which you can get to the temple. Next to it was the path the other way, to the village Shuimokeng 水磨 坑, or Cleft Wyszlifowanej by water. Considering that we follow a narrow path of what can sit on it - on one of wensajtow discouraged venture into krzaczory, August when warmer, because in Tiantai crawling with snakes, venomous also. I went first, doing noise for me, Mala M, and Large M closed derivatives. We said goodbye to the driver, I took him to the number of cells in case we missed the last bus, we went down path. After a while we saw green terraces, flooded with water, could be heard singing rechoczace frogs and birds.
Photo: Water for bamboo terraces is addressed "Water Works" from nearby mountain streams:

music to the ears of the rows of Shanghai. We were walking slowly, enjoying the fragrant air, and views - because after a while, vanish along a path covering their views of the trees and saw that we walk side slopes, and below there is a deep valley. Tiantai name means "Heavenly Terraces" and this is a very accurate name. Mountains - their tops - are flat, and when you look at the map, it is clear that they are flat tops, cut by deep rifts. And it is these peaks are not so interesting, just like the chasm 坑. When he writes about the valleys, I'm already thinking of the chasm - deep ravines, cracks. And that was clear - the spring of hundreds of meters depth in May and the length of many kilometers, are a bit like miniature canyon of the Colorado River. He writes about it specifically, in order to keep-more made aware to the reader as it is shaped area in Tiantai.
Photo: Picturesque villages around
Shuimokeng , visible in the distance:
After a few hundred meters, we have come to the village Shuimokeng 水磨 坑. Located very picturesque, a group of stone and wooden houses, raised on a flat promontory with one from the slopes of the chasm. We went to the village, and confirmed that what she said book - with her only live in old people. The young had left me going to the city, and there working, earning, in the city also settling. The total is quite sad, because we had the impression that the village is completely desolate when we all will die of old residents.
Photo: Welcome to our village - we welcomed the apartment just walking down the wybiry:
After the entrance to the village and one of the override, welcomed us smile, an elderly woman - again tripped spell Lesser M, though, and so we have no doubt , the Tiantai is a special place - the people are welcoming, smiling, helpful, willing to share what is in May, not expecting much in return. I do not know whether that Buddhism and Taoism as they changed, or are eminent mystics rather because both religions have chosen as the seat of the Tiantai, because people here are simple and good. Walked the village, looking for the override.
Photo: The room, kitchen in one of the houses in the village Shuimokeng :
In one one of the women volunteered to lead us a bit for the village to the "secret of the valley," as he called it in his book the author mentioned above. We went after her, when suddenly we heard some moaning. We looked into a dark stone room - became instantly Hospital bed, on which he lay ill, apparently much suffering. She revealed that the younger brother of her husband, 40-year-old, who during the construction of the house had an accident and broke his spine. Paralysis chained him to the bed, his wife looks after him.
Photo: Most of the buildings in the village is built of stone, in whose neighborhood does not lack:
We went on - the woman led us to work around, where a small courtyard in the middle of vegetables confuse old man pants. Interesting was the courtyard - surrounded rozpadajacymi August, but the beautiful buildings with carved windows, lined with stones, which formed the theme of deer. Jelen 鹿 Lu, is a symbol of career officials (Lu 禄 - another sign, but similar pronunciation). Apparently this workaround was born person who silting up climbing on the career civil service levels.
Photo: The narrow passage in the village Shuimokeng allowed easier to fend off bandits attacks:
Across the courtyard we noticed a strange stove with built-in bowl obliquely. As it turned out she would serve tea to a browning.
Photo: Bake to the browning of tea:
Chinese green tea after harvest, is toasted 烤, and only then you can drink herbal tea in her zaparzony. Toasting is poured into the machine fresh leaves of tea into the bowl (a kind of wok), which is hot, and mixing it, przesypywaniu, "Rubbing" in the hot walls of the bowl. Often in the vicinity of the Chinese Saints (more or less the beginning of April) can in many hotels and tearooms zobaczych browning cup of tea, such as high temperature damaged palms mingle me - except I do not have to write that is accompanied by a fantastic aroma. The villagers have their own tea fields, and I collect tea toast to their own needs in these basins already / furnaces.
Photo: In the bowl of freshly toasted tea leaves:
When I photographed the oven, Large M called me, which, as usual, noticed something interesting. I actually - in the room, you just watched and in which nothing special not noticed, Large M was spotted ... coffin. Many times I read that it is a tradition, and after completing 60 years (an age considered here for the border - each year is proof of sticks above the heavens), a man buys a coffin and put me in the living room, seeing her every day with it. No wonder that when already comes this last moment, man is drawn to it and is not afraid of him. Frankly, as I had never seen a coffin standing in the home, but he's not surprised we are here - the old man lived alone, had over 80 years, and perhaps feared that if he had gone who will not even buy him a coffin. By the way we were full of admiration, because being in such elderly was moving briskly, he handled the work in the yard, not It looked like, lest anyone's need the care.
Photo: Leciwy owner decided to pay for a coffin, and on the walls of the keywords of leadership Komusntycznej Party of China - often those already password rescued old buildings from destruction by the Red Guardian:
We went further, passing next to a grove of bamboo, and we have come to the old stone bridge 石 拱桥. These bridges were built on important routes, have the shape of the hold and fits beautifully with the traditional landscape. As it turned out, the bridge was passed by rwisty stream, and provide an interface between the Buddhist temples of the route by Zhizhe folded, a Taoist temple Tongbai, while the company was at the bottom of the valley, today flooded by a reservoir of peak power. The current palace Tongbai - who visited in December 2008 - is located on the site of another temple of Taoism. Today no one goes this route, tourists will Take the circular, comfortable asphalt road, the locals do not have what walk, pilgrims and tourists also elect a bus and an easy passage. Route entire bushes, so the next time we need to take with you machete in order to cut the passage itself. Of course in the summer we will not to risk such a route because of the snakes. Chinese are the works for 24 year periods 二十 四 节气, which is the basis of their agricultural calendar. This calendar operates to this day, to this day plowing, sowing and harvesting takes place according to principles set thousands of years ago. Each period has its own name, one of them is called the Awakening 惊蛰 worms. This awakening is taking place between a 5tym 3cim on the Third Month, which is somewhere near our April (approximately, because the Chinese months are moving). Chinese used to classify snakes into worms, and they just wake up then it - and after this period it is better not to venture into the thick bush or bushes Tiantai. Thus, learning to appreciate what wilder environs will have to wait, and worms will go to sleep ... The literature states that the route is very scenic.
Photo: Our tour guide was leading us uczynna through bamboo groves to kamiennemu bridge:
After the entrance to the bridge on the right saw surrounded vertical valley walls at the bottom of which were fields, bamboo groves, bush. However, we decided to go left, because there, the huge covered 1950 to 1960 meters, the water stream oszlifowanymi trough was located waterfall, whose sounds were coming to us.
Photo: huge boulders at the bottom of the stream, deep inside the stone bridge:
After the entrance to the bridge on the right side we saw a valley surrounded by vertical walls at the bottom of which were fields, bamboo groves, bush. However, we decided to go left, because there, the huge covered 1950 to 1960 meters, the water stream oszlifowanymi trough was located waterfall, whose sounds were coming to us. Bade farewell to our friendly tour guide and we went to the left, but nowhere could be seen descending to the creek. Walked the banks of terraces, often going in the mud. Gave a little hot in the characters, so we did a little picnic under the stone, and while the girls rested, I went barely visible path in the bushes. The path was difficult, overgrown on both sides, muddy, cut through small rivers once slipped, luckily caught hold of the bushes, to my horror I saw that the path leads over a deep precipice, gave up further exploration, I returned to the girls and went back . After reaching the vicinity of the bridge in August plowing through the bushes and finally we have come to the stream. Mala M loves to play in the water, so the two girls sit, on the flat rocks i Mala M zaczela grzebac w wodzie, podczas gdy ja poszedlem w druga strone, zeby dojsc do wodospadu i zobaczyc, czy da sie zejsc jakos bokiem na dno doliny. Chwytajac sie krzakow i balansujac na krawedziach kamieni doszedlem na sam skraj wodospadu. Dalej bylo juz tylko pionowe urwisko i spadajace z halasem wody. Miejsce dosc niesamowite, jakiego bysmy nigdy sie nie spodziewali tutaj. Czesto poronwywane jest do Jiuzhaigou 九寨沟, przepieknego miejsca w prowincji Sichuan, gdzie jesienia jasnoblekitne wody potoku plyna po bialych tarasach, w ktorych odbijaja sie zolte i czerwone jesienne liscie. To porownanie nieco na wyrost, ale tylko nieco - to niejsce kolo wioski Shuimokeng bylo tez przepiekne. Zabawne, podczas gdy turysci jezdza w znane miejsca, czesto These already offer more impressions wild and are more beautiful, but no order to reach them but need a little luck and burial in the literature.
Photo: Vertical cliffs, and at the bottom of high waterfalls - this place has been discovered just a few years ago, but hardly anyone here goes:
I went back to the girls, because I wanted to find the Great Peace Temple, still chased them a little. I went first, looking for passage through the bushes from the bottom of the stream to the path located higher.
Photo: Stone bridge on the Buddhist-Taoist route:
Suddenly we heard a provocation - it was some grandfather on the path indicated to us their way through bush. After a while, guided by his instructions we entered the path. Another helpful man - that is, for what do we like - apart from everything else - Tiantai. After a while, when we entered the bridge, the view on the other drew our attention - is a mysterious, overgrown valley, which had earlier widzeilismy.
Photo: The Mysterious Valley on the right side of the bridge:
So fast decision - we go there. Large M after a dozen meters zrejterowala digging - unless these snakes sunk deep in her memory. So was the Lesser M, sit, on the bridge, while I walked away into the bushes. Far has not gone unnoticed - path ended quite suddenly, it got virtually impossible transition. Well, we had to go back.
picture: "Then you can go, but still there is no transition ":
Returning, we passed near the village, we met an elderly woman, who asked whether we can buy tea. our interest in the offer, because tea from Tiantai called" Tea clouds and fogs "云雾茶 is very well known and reportedly delicious. We went to the house, after a short tea tin Fair bought for 80 yuan, which - as it turned out - was a good price.
Photo: Business has gone, we got the can of tea, and this leciwa resident Shuimokeng - 80 yuan:
said goodbye, just a glance at cielaczka and dog - the task of Little M - and after half an hour we reached to today's starting point, the place in which we left the taxi.
Photo: Old friend - returning from a field laden with pyrami:
not the end we knew which way to go, but we decided we went up the side road - we had a feeling that just once we took this route. And really - after a while climbing (road Piela rather rapidly in the gore), we have come to the well-known shop GSowskiego like it a few months before we called. In the heat of the shop was a real godsend, as it turned out offered a chilled beverage from a rusty fridge, I bought your favorite drink Lesser M - tea with honey to heat your wanglaoji 王老 吉 in the characteristic red cans. overthrew every one of us after two cans, we have taken yet something there on the road, and after consulting the language went further. Seller says, "the temple is deserted, it's probably one small building and there is nothing in the middle is not. In the shop three guests watched with interest some sort of costume soap opera.
Photo: Bridge still serves the residents Shuimokeng :
Photo: Once again, the stone architecture of the village Shuimokeng :
Photo: Old wooden houses in the village Shuimokeng :
We went continue the road, passing picturesque villages. Little M was delighted some sort of goat herding and loudly beczaca August at the roadside, after a while we came across a blonde, which cools the bajorze. We were walking away, next to the bamboo grew, some small patches, you could see the bottom of the terraces and roofs of small villages of stone huts. On the terraces were working people, mostly women. Frankly we had no idea where the temple. We walked a bit on the side of the road, where there was a small terrace, from which we could admire the views of the surrounding area. It was not seen anyone in the vicinity, whom we could ask for directions, so at random chose a small path down, and through the little grove of trees we have come to the old cottage. Peasantry who worked beside her told us that the next path we come to the temple. So we went, the area was interesting - the water-drenched terraces, huge czwórniak (trees somewhat similar to milorzebow), bamboos, deafening croaking frogs. At the end of the path took us to a small chapel.
Photo: picturesquely situated village of Great Peace, which takes its name from the temple:
chapel was built of stone and overgrown with ivy, hidden by a huge tree - we had a lot of luck that we came across at her. In the middle there were the some agricultural tools, apparently by local peasants have used it as a composition. In the middle of the room stood a white marble stupa height of about 2m. The inscription on it spoke of the stupa is a Master Chuandenga - transferring Lampe - 传灯 大师.
Photo: Stupa at the place of burial Master Chuandenga in the chapel at the Temple of the Great Peace:
I wrote about him earlier in this blog on the occasion of the relationship with our December trip. However, finding the stupa Chuandenga was a surprise to me. The stupa is a sacred building, most often put at the place of burial Buddhist monks. In December, during a visit to the temple with the relics of Zhizhe - "He who possesses wisdom, in the shaded alley next to one of the monks showed us a stone stele (disc) standing on burial places of prominent Buddhist masters of the Tiantai school. Among them was Chuandenga stele with the name. I was confused - so where they buried him in the end? Turns out the truth, as usual, is in the middle - clothing and headgear is buried in the place where stands a stele, while the body of the Temple of the Great Peace 太平 寺. The chapel, where we were, has become a central place swityni - for which, sadly, few remained, although originally it was a one in four - next to the Temple 10 thousand years 万年 寺, Clean your 国清寺 护国寺 Land Protection - the most important temples Tiantai Buddhist. Later I saw fanning literature are any more pictures of buildings, but we have not noticed. The chapel was also mentioned as an already standing in the center of the old temple site. Although the temple today practically non-existent, it was historically one of the most important places of worship in Tiantai Buddhist. In the old temple there were the items for Zhizhe stone - a stone drum, stone lodges, the pulpit, but unfortunately they have not survived to this day.
Photo: Chapel of the Great Temple of Peace:
"Good birds and dense forests, recite the name of Buddha
a golden flowers and bamboo Jade underway in meditation," as he wrote
Zhiguo Liu 刘 知 过, famous poet Song Dynasty, in the poem "Temple of the Great Peace." Besides
old stone chapel became motherboards with the inscription indicating that the monk is buried there Guantong 观 通. Guantong (1873-1955) came from Zhejiang province, there was born and raised. At the age of 21 years as a result of an altercation Married decided to leave home and become a Buddhist monk. For this purpose, went to the Tiantai mountains, where the temple of the Clean Your 国清寺 took him Master Congjing 从 镜, who introduced it in the science of Buddhism. Seeing that the Guantong has deep "roots of goodness" 善根, Congjing sends him to the monastery on top of the mountains, where the goals Guantong head and joins a Buddhist convent. Will soon make himself known as an intelligent student, meets expert experience of the 'three vows "三 戒. In 1921 he became the abbot of the Temple of True Awakening 真 觉 寺 (namely the one in which there is a stupa with the body Zhizhe) in 1923 - Temple High Brightness 高明 寺. It's just for his term of office, In 1924 a man called Zhang Yuesong 张月松, the follower of Buddhism in Shanghai, being the Temple of high brightness, has a dream in which he manifested the spirit of caring temple. The result supports the temples Zhang, contributing to the reconstruction of the Bell Tower and the Pavilion of Heaven's rulers. In 1937 Guantong goes to Shanghai, where he established branches of the Temple of high brightness. There, at the age of 83 years, overpowered the disease, he asks for inflammation of the incense, washes in August, are taken in the sense, and in a dream, with the sound of sutra recited by students, dies.
Photo: View from the shrine are visible from behind the bamboo covered with water terraces:
Above died two deadlines - Good Roots and the Three Vows. For explanation - In Buddhism believes that the man should cultivate good roots, as no one is born bad. But lest these roots have grown, it is sowing the seeds of good - or saying to simplify doing good deeds. These should show compassion for all beings and help them drift humiliation, no killing, no cheating, not eating meat, etc.. There are people whose roots are deeper, they are, and those whose roots are shallow, it all depends on what we do in everyday life. Often the champion decides to convey its teachings only on a particular student, in whose deep roots noticed that good, at the same time may refuse to teach that, at whose roots are shallow, as with such a person must first change your actions and are not ready to accept advanced sciences.
Three Vows - a Buddhist vows, which takes a person deciding to "leave the family" 出家 and join the monastic community.
first wedding - Shamijie 沙弥 戒 - suitable for novice (Sanskrit: samanera), and I can go by him, even children aged 7-8 years. As part of this wedding a person commits to comply with the fundamental commandments prohibiting the killing (also animals), theft, adultery, lies and drinking alcohol. Then also shaved the hair, and before the year 1983 on the head novice fired trociczkami Round three small points. In 1983, banned this practice as kaleczacego body, and so preciwnego Buddhist teachings. At the age of at least 19 years old rookie had the right to accept subsequent marriage, "introduction" (the religious community) - Biqiujie 比丘 戒 - as a full monk (Sanskrit: Bhikkhu). The monk then it przyjmowal 250 marriages, a nun - 348th The third wedding, a wedding Boddhisatvy - recognizing their utmost to achieve Buddhahood and helping all beings in attaining it, as its highest goal.
Photo: Stele commemorating the Master Guantonga:
It was late in the afternoon and found that time in a way. We went for a small path towards the shore terrace zagajnikowi bambusowemu and wlezlismy in the field of pyrami (ie - for the uninitiated - potatoes). Suddenly, Mala M yelled - "worm!" and screaming przeploszyla some great bird, which sprang up and quickly flew a bamboo. After a moment of searching we found another path pou, and the present we have come to the village. Families of the village with stone, clearly ludniejsza than Shuimokeng. Along the way, we caught a curious villager, but just because it was carrying two heavy buckets of golf of the contents of septic tanks, whom aroma almost knocked us out of legs, not wdalismy with him in the longer run agonizing. We went through the courtyard house, on whose steps the old man sat merry (NB I never saw so many smiling people, just like the Tiantai'u), and headed visible in the distance, "spit" - slope, on top of which was located a friend of our gazebo and a huge boulder with the words "Place of delivering Zhizhe Master's teachings. "
Photo: Village of the Great Peace, which takes its name from the now defunct Buddhist temple and its resident joyful - the less people have, the happier they seem:
We were there in December, but it is nice come back in the old Katy. The girls sit, on rocks and Large M She pulled shafts, I went to yet located close to the group of boulders.
Photo: Glaz to write an "Taras proclamation by Zhizhe Dharma 'was founded by a monk Haidenga 海登 法师, a famous master pieces Shaolin fight, who spent many years in the Temple of True Awakening in Tiantai:
These rocks, known as "Arhats Sluchajacymi books "听 经 罗汉 石 Tip promontory were - for they were already the vertical walls of rock. Apparently the boulders were once very much, but the local people used them as building material, and were only 3 or 4
Photo: Arhaci Listener Papers - a group of boulders near the terrace science Zhizhe:
with boulders, looking to the left, you could see yellow walls of the Temple High light, and to the right - the narrow terraces built on the rather steep slope. Somewhere below the peasant ran two red oxen, their roar could be heard . I went back to the girls, we ate sardines, drinking Wanglaoji them, obey even birds, and we went on. Droge remembered well, so I do not We were afraid of maturing dark. Path, which was partly dealt with stones, led us to visibly on the edge of the wood house.
Photo: stone path leading from the terrace, on which Zhizhe proclaimed doctrine, for the woods, in which there is a Temple of True Awakening:
We cast along the way have a look at the place where once stood the Temple of Meditation 修 禅寺, a of the 12 seats of Buddhist practices established by Zhizhe. Apparently just a few years ago, it was planned to rebuild, but today it is just overgrown field from looking any big puddle like a pond - the former Pond 放生池 release of living creatures, and a group of trees.
Photo: Mountains and terraces that make up Folong 佛 陇 - in the deep valley of the temple of the High Light, while the wgorzach around the temple of True Awakening, Meditation and the Great Peace:
We went to the woods, we stopped for a moment at the stone stelae (I checked, and indeed on one of the them there is a name Chuandenga), we passed an alley near gates leading to the Temple of True Awakening 真 觉 寺, but were already closed.
Photo: Stela (stone tablet) on the grave of the Master Chuandenga the walls of the Temple of True Awakening - in this "grave" are composed only of his robes and headgear:
Girls sessions have been done on the front, The big M but suddenly called me - in front of us on the field a bit below, stainless wioskowy mongrel barking. When I went to them with the side doors of the monk emerged and began to recall the dog, but this apparently was afraid we could not violence and fear, in order to run near us and get back to the temple.
Photo: Eastern entrance to the Temple of True Awakening, in which there is a stupa with the body Zhizhe, founder of the Tiantai school:
turning to the monk as to whether indeed a stupa in the temple there is a body Zhizhe. Monk said he had placed them there. Because Zhizhe was darzony great esteem by the emperor, the one year she sent an emissary, who consisted tributes dead master. Apparently the first and second year body was in the stupa, but on the third visit he was gone - disappeared mysteriously. Perhaps Zhizhe was entranced, lasting years, and finally awoke. Earlier I wrote about a trance, as it was empty, a cloud can only assume that his experience was not isolated, and not excluded that there were meditative trances lasting years.
Photo: A small stupa located at the entrance to the Temple of True Awakening was founded by the Japanese Tendai school of Buddhist followers, the equivalent of Chinese Tiantai Sect:
said goodbye, went further path, walking past a herd of confused yet koz, we entered the asfaltowke, and almost total darkness went back to the hotel. We were walking we are familiar abbreviations, Mala M I entertained with stories of snakes, small was the distinctly impressed - how could you not be when it goes in the dark in the woods in which they live snakes, and watched the film two parts of the cycle of anakondach ... Luckily, somewhere in the middle of the road in August Stood Honda - van, and kind woman offered us a ride to the hotel. We took the car, conducted a husband, sat on the back of two children, and no Chinese family (with the two children.) A woman told us that eats with the village Longhuangtang 龙 皇 堂 (of which I have heard that jesty very attractive for tourists) are about business, there May villas, which rested on the empty floor. The question of whether The villa is in some neighborhoods, the woman said that no, none of the developer still am not invested, they have adapted an old factory space to residential, and recruited two residents of the village to guard the estate. I must admit I envy your home in such surroundings ... Quickly we got to the hotel, thanked the people friendly, we went to the hotel, we called a taxi from there, we did have a round of shopping for beer, soft drinks and fruit. Large bright next to the M on the door of the shop noticed some weeds beam.
Photo: mop of tangled some herbs are hung on the occasion of the feast Duanwu at the entrances to homes and stores to drive away the evil spirits - that is, mainly mosquitoes:
Jak sie okazalo z okazji swieta Duanwu 端午节 (potocznie nazywanego Swietem Smoczych Lodzi, bo wlasnie wyscigi tych lodzi odbywaja sie w to swieto), na drzwiach domostw wiesza sie to zielsko, ktore nie tylko dostrasza komary, ale picie naparu z niego pozwala lepiej znosic upaly. Pytalem o nazwe, ale wlasciciel sklepu nie potrafil wymowic jej w standardowym chinskim. OK, powiedzialem, to prosze napisz jego nazwe - ten znak jest zbyt zlozony i go nie pamietam. Rzeczywiscie, z chinskim jest ten problem, ze czlowiek - takze chinski - poznaje go przez cale zycie. Glodni wiedzy wrocilismy do hotelu, zjedlismy arbuza, obalilismy dwa browary i zasnelismy snem sprawiedliwych. Czekaly nas kolejne dni, i wiele nieznanych miejsc do zobaczenia.