Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Letter Of Encouragement For Confirmaiton

The value of media statements and value statements

SB-ek, who according to documents recruited Lech Walesa at a secret communist collaborator Nations legislative services, rose and came to the rescue of the former President. In statement published on the site, "wp.pl" It cleans the Lech Walesa of any suspicion of collaboration.

Such a declaration is, of course, many reasons completely worthless-but, as he rightly headlined his article devoted to Virtual Poland, a media and sensational. Before turning to the analysis of the most interesting aspects of the disclosure and expression of the master Graczyk, I would like to draw attention to the fact that his statement posted on its website Lech Walesa ( source ). Yes-the same Lech Walesa, who, if I remember correctly, he told something about the SB-ckich świstkach and falsification of documents. As you can see by Walesa's secret police falsified documents at a time when they needed them for operational work, and after the Communist zllikwidowaniu service men suddenly turned out to be honest crystal. Interesting logic, right? If further reason in this way, you can easily show that it is the SB led to the collapse of communism, after all it consisted of the said honest people, working-for example, by falsifying documents-to the detriment of the system.

Returning to the merits of the Walesa-counsel claim that the revelations Graczyk comercials deprecate the information contained in the book "SB a Lech Wałęsa" Walesa calls himself simply burning the remaining copies in bookstores. I wonder, why do not call it burning cleansing lustration court order? After all, it is the lustration court found that Edward Graczyk dead and that's based their finding on this issue authors of the book, since it decreases because of that the value of their work is similar to a logical assessment of the verdict of the court- properly assess the achievements court should be much more severe, because in contrast to historians, the court had the opportunity to see if Edward Graczyk alive.

How Graczyk statement, unsupported by any other conditions which are in fact merely a description of memories SB-ka may depreciate based on the work of historical documents, it is impossible to reach, as opposed to documents, testimony can change and invent on the spot, which obviously reduces their objective value. If you take into account the circumstances accompanying the Walesa, the testimony Graczyk appear completely devoid of value.

First, Edward Graczyk does not bear any responsibility for actually what we now pompously declares-not testify under oath, made no explanation before the court, and therefore can say what he pleases. His words are not supported by documents-who draws attention to this? Certainly not the media.

Secondly, we note when Graczyk risen . Not when his testimony would add up during the trial (first-time point could be responsible for their words). Not when the accusations thrown at Walesa was based on vague assumptions and are not widely raised by the media. Graczyk rises (or rather, what is self-imposed, is resurrected ), when co Walesa is supported by strong historical evidence, but about the knowledge of everyone. Rises and entertainment is slowly returning to the closing theme, against theories of young careerists putting the testimony of the person who personally saw everything (Version for the media), against a solid scientific evidence putting the credibility of the former SB-ka (reality).

Are you accidentally do this lace work?

third issue is all the questions about the circumstances of the creation (at least, we know beyond any doubt, for the process of vetting Walesa) document which concluded that Edward Graczyk dead. Who did it? Justice? Position to do so privately? Setting Walesa? Gontarczykiem tudziez Cenckiewicz of living like them in advance? Contributors Walesa? Have you had any of the services? Sam Grace? Why? What is the role itself Graczyk? Is it a standalone Graczyk quarterback or maybe a pawn? If a pawn, then whose? From whom depend on his resurrection lately? Why Grace decided to issue the same-officially, by anyone nieprzymuszany purifier Walesa statement?

Questions of this type can really put a lot of them.

fourth thing, a small but worthy of a separate section, the fact that Edward was an officer Graczyk secret service. Apart from the specific mentality of these people (characterized a reluctance to publicly revealing details of a work, without the express orders of a superior or a tendency to disinformation), we are dealing with all kinds of interpersonal relationships, friendships, relations of dependency, subordinate-supervisor relationships, etc., in addition probably okraszonych subsequent ties, generally speaking , financial. After all, would be naive to say that the Mafia, which was SB in particular and władzuchna PRL in general immediately broke up with a change in the system.

Case Edward Graczyk, on the one hand embarrassment lustration of the courts and the judiciary in general-on the other, a classic example of creating a virtual reality media, show the power of the fourth power. This is spectacular, noisy and completely devoid of substantive value statement is articulated so as to seem more serious than a well-documented scientific work. Some time ago I put the proposition that nobody with a weapon to work against Gontarczyk and Cenckiewicz, instead of crying and hurt, the defenders of Walesa unleashed the substantive arguments, based on historical sources. But clearly those are not there, or is not among the defenders Walesa sufficiently competent historians to find them. In any event, the reactivation Graczykawłaśnie now clearly demonstrates the inability to construct any meaningful defense Walesa and the need to make any movement, in order to prevent becoming embedded in popular consciousness is uncomfortable for the authors of the Third Republic of the truth.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can You Period Make You Faint

Grand Arbiter

Yes, yes, it's about his greatness of Professor Sadurski. Specifically, here's an entry-attacking rascal who dared to criticize the professor that he had considered this to be compatible with its own vision, would operate for the benefit of the collapse of the Polish State. In his text, reprobate stresses also that the person doing so once hung. For treason.

Professor Sadurski vague though clearly stated in its response that the Polish State purposely did not say-and about this place bids farewell to fair terms, starting with arguments and images, sorry for the wording, scam. While the primary school pobrzmiewające zdanka like " In my life I have met no such adversaries as you scamp, and I'm not especially fearful " tudziez reminiscent dialect blockers "Mr. loon is too short handle " can be also attributed to the calm obstinacy, so much to the blogger's statement that he was "too coarse language" is an obvious manifestation of barracks culture. Yes, probably also invading the excess of emotion, but znajmy as combat-where healthy blush, and where the foam at the mouth. The highlight of the

, however, is undoubtedly the said scam. Well, prof. Sadurski deigned to determine rascal as "someone whose vision Polish starts to make me hang " and write "I'm not afraid or suggestions That the 'little men like me' should be hung, as it was done in 'healthier times ' "(emphasis mine-PS). I can easily find out after reading the text rascal, nothing like that has been written-ot, reprobate mentioned how once Dealing with those who show off attitude attributed (rightly or wrongly-is possible topic for discussion), prof. Sadurskiemu. no suggestion that the professor. Sadurski and others like him to hang, it is impossible to discern. memory, and even nostalgic about the older traditions in any case does not necessarily involve incitement for their rehabilitation in the current environment ... Yes, it can-but no such presumption does not give prof. Sadurskiemu twisting people's right to expression and polemizowania crafted with such samples.

attack on the rascal is not the first such professor lick. Sadurski. At one time, as we all probably remember, Kataryna attacked. The widely circulated assumption that the attack could be the result of some, we specify that a healthy instinct nadpobudzenia competition for readers (in other words-for popularity). It is amazing how clear it is this time-nadpobudzenie here became a wastrel (as previously Kataryna) one of the central figures Salonu24, while the good professor simply implies that he did not like it: "It's not about you rascal, but Salon24. If - I do not know who - or Igor Janke administrator decides that Salon prejudging the image will now be heading non-stop call for discussion on the part of someone whose vision Polish starts to make me hang - is, for obvious reasons this can not be my Body. " Some sentences have been quoted earlier as an example of scam-it is difficult to entirely shake off the impression the prof. Sadurski can not get over that one-and a person with whom he disagrees-can affect the shape of the IAA-and in order to discredit the person reaches for, to put it mildly, not very fair method.

course, I'm not going to ask questions here or on the "talon" Salon of the text should hang someone whose vision begins with a discussion of this, to turn the gist of adversaries.

http://crusader.salon24.pl/103797, http://wojciechsadurski.salon24.pl/104975
index.html, index.html
http://crusader.salon24.pl/104567 index.html, index.html
http://crusader.salon24.pl/104522, index.html