thoughtlessness and post-communist mentality, which is Hołdys and Pinior would seem that the case described by pp. Cenckiewicz and Gonatrczyka past Lech Walesa, should gradually move from the zone of interests of politicians and the media for historians and law enforcement. Perhaps this trend is more clearly outline the time, but for now the aftermath of cooperation with the SB Wałęsa inspires another form of public scenes, which even outdo each other in the procreation of stupid ideas.
IPNowskiej to the publication (or rather its echoes), I get inspired by Spitfire, who sent in my speech today Holdys for TVN24 *. I return with mixed emotions, because when I took over a year ago for a workshop bezrefleksyjność and herd behavior, which were presented a musician, has caused an explosion of sorts, for the most negative emotions. However, I hope that the passage of time-to-person assessment Holdys little ochłodła and przetrzeźwiała, and the current note did not raise such nerves already.
Zbigniew Hołdys has repeatedly demonstrated that, as he could talk about life, so completely unable to talk about public life. Today's statement is not the exception in this respect. A former artist proves that he can not really distinguish between the judicial process since the publication of historical material from the commentary ("Can not convict someone, knowing that there was a chance that it was not 'or' And we are here we do not have any documents, evidence, signed by Walesa, we esbeków statements, we have no claims people ... "). In addition, articulates quite controversial idea that SB-months were not human, but it is not rather a manifestation of extreme anti-communism, because in the next sentence indicates Hołdys reliable authorities (" What if, for example, directory of party documents was scrap in which Kiszczak complained Jaruzelski - "Damn, that Walesa kaperujemy for 20 years and did not give ? "). I always thought that the ratio of Zbigniew Holdys to these two gentlemen were, say, critical ... but life is sometimes surprising.
Moments later, were more interesting musician has developed a definition of reliability (Reliability Wie is ... The Lord is the true knowledge of all facts, all . ") which in the context of the previously spoken words (" because you know, on the basis of karty pracy pana w TVN-ie można ocenić co pan zrobił w TVN-ie, ale pan gdzieś był, pan funkcjonował w życiu, w szkole, w różnych miejscach. Zajrzeć tylko tu i na tej podstawie zbudować opinię oczywiście można, że pan jest wspaniałym dziennikarzem, solidnym, punktualnym i tak dalej, na tym się właściwie kończy opinia pana wedle pracodawców z TVN-u, ale co się dzieje z opiniami innymi, z dogłębną analizą wszelkiej dokumentacji ") prowadzi wprost do wniosku, że aby napisać cokolwiek o kimkolwiek, trzeba przeprowadzić dogłębną analizę jego życiorysu. Trochę obawiam się, co by było, theories were picked Holdys Ćwiąkalski and implemented procedures for criminal ... in any event, the infants could be further from poverty effectively judge.
Next Hołdys substantiate that are alien to him to liability issues, and even with the logic goes niesporo ( Well, well, let someone prove that Walesa has stolen them. I am willing to believe it when I see proof, but we can not speak that he definitely stole it, well, for who? "You know, and if Lech Kaczynski, and Jaroslaw being there in the office gwizdnęli these documents, so what?" This is the same evidence and that he did Walesa "). The simple fact that the documents correspond to the person who wished to rent them yet somehow missed the consciousness of a former artist.
Holdys, I must admit, even I feel sorry for. If by any means not clung to the presence in public life, you probably would not have to splurge on indolence, and, above all, conformism. pity.
communicated to me by Spitfire material I have read and I looked, what else on the web rings on Lech Walesa. If even got into my head that the occurrence of Holdys is the summit of the grotesque, it quickly admitted that it did not. Joseph's
Pinior of SdPL (former dissident, now post-communist activist) has announced the creation of the committee ** "Solidarity with Lech Walesa," and announced that the former president is niedyskutowalną and inviolable institution. True, what a pretty flower? And even smelling-what is true Stalinism, but still. I wonder if the word Pinior not born under the influence of something stronger, but looking at previous performance of this policy, I conclude that either Mr. MEP is sober, or the liver suffer from chronic anguish. In any case, I admit that I have not I had to comment on this odjechanej (probably the best description ...) statements. Pal-committee of the devil himself various committees for anything they can find in Poland we have bunches, but the term "integrity" and "niedyskutowalność" used in relation to a person whose role should be discussed clearly (at least because of the behavior in the early 90s and nerve moves last), and probably prosecution (monkey business documents) nicely characterized mentality postkomunistyczno-lewoliberalnych environments. The mentality of inefficiency, in fact, to divide the world into 'good' and 'bad' and niedopuszczaniu any reflection on the issues uncomfortable.
finally comfortable mindlessly repeating phrases, right?
* TVN24 interview with Jaroslaw Kuzniar today (06.VII) at 10:20
**, 1556298, wiadomosc.html